Thursday, July 3, 2008


Pencil note in a much less messy hand, dated 3/7/08
last night was aphelion

we were tha furthest from tha day-star,
tha warmer and burner
we've had our longest spin,
now we're on tha wheel back

vast forces beyond our grasp move
longer than tha eye can see
instinct knows, nature knows
but tha world goes on without us

trials of love and hate
lifetimes of loss and joy
seasons pass and tha world?
it keeps on movin regardless

tha mountains grow and shrink
tha forests seed and burn
herds come and go, hunters move on
an in time ta tha wheel of tha day-star

last night was aphelion

now we run towards tha future
Fur and Fanger, Feline and Freak
Feather and Fallen, Fleshie and Feeler
tagether, we move tawards tha light