Thursday, November 27, 2008

Close Quarters Battle Trainin: Shiny

pencil entry, with dirty soil smudges dated 23/11/2008

I got back from tha Wide River pissed off and down trodden. Captain Featherpants had taken tha Thing in Joah away, for a while at least. I needed ta make sure my Family were ok.

Shiny, our once-Feline, had asked fer some CQB trainin, I was only too happy ta offer ta help. After she got taken apart, and I mean literally, by three of tha damn KA sisters she's been awful tough ta get outta her shell. So its good she wants ta get some PT. She had read some martial arts books and stuff and got it in her head she was gunna be a kung-Fu crescent kickin master. I figured we'd start with somethin a bit simpler. Work up ta crazy monky fightin. I got her ta make fists, checked her stance and picked up one of tha cushions. My cushion. "awright, now. punch tha pillow fer me, good and slow, just, like walkin, dont run, walk tha punch. good punch!" she was a touch timid ta start with but she started getting inta it. Raven's Song came down tha stairs quiet like. There were tha usual smiles and Family words. Then we got back to tha lesson.

"so, ya can jab, which is where ya arm comes out quick and straight, snappin in and out, like a snake's strike . . or ya can hook, which is when ya twist yer body with tha punch, and it makes an arc, which is slower, but heavier" Shiny asked me how she should stand. Feets are real important. Lot of fighters ferget that. Stay still and get clobbered, I say. "standin . . .well, ya need ta be stable, but not like a rock, yer little, so movin about is good fer ya, quick on yer feet, . . . . like a dance .. ." Shiny spread her feet to each side, shoulder-width apart, then windmill'd her paws dramatically at me givin a battle cry "Waaaaaa!" i ducked and poked her in the belly with an outstetched claw, light, sharp and fast askin her if -that’s- how she dances. Shiny grinned sheepishly, "uh, well... no. But it looks cool! I don't really kno how to dance., not like that. Fancy that not knowin how ta dance. Ha.

Bastard Tohu took my dance teacher. Spirit Gal taught me a thing called "tha waltz". I'm going to fuckin boot that bastard.

I get a handle on my churnin guts and get on with tha lesson "well .. .dance with me. " I started ta pad around, side to side, holdin the pillow at her face height, moving fluidly, but kinda erratically. Like someone who don’t want get hit might do. I keep callin out ta her ta “dance dance!” She watched me, tryin ta imitate my moves and I let her get her moves on and then I thrust tha pillow out, in both arms, ta bop at her face. Got her off guard, and gave her a face full of cloth with my fur all over it “Hay!” she yelped, but, saw tha game of it, and I kept paddin about, light on my paws, shiftin from moving to moving right, then backwards, then left, then forwards, then right, till I thrust tha pillow out, slower this time . . . “dance dance PUNCH” I saw her clenche her fist and took a swing, punchin the pillow “yaa!” I called out “thats tha way! try a jab, then a hook . . .straight, or with tha shoulder and hip .. .dance, dance . . . .” and again, I shoved tha pillow out and Shiny uses her left hand to jab, but it goes wild, and she misses, punchin air with a “oops!” but I keep her up and at it “ahhh! two paws! see, there ya go! no no, thats good . . .dance dance”

She moves around on her feet tryin not to trip and holds holds her fists up, the left in front of her face to block blows from the pillow, the other cocked behind her ready to strike “DANCE DANCE DANCE” then I thrust tha pillow out. Shiny punches the pillow hard with her right arm not thinking but reacting, good form. Problem was, well, I call Shiny, Shiny, because she’s got parts replaced with metal ones. I got a metal fist pump through tha cushion, knockin it aside, and thumpin inta tha middle of my chest. Tha pain ain’t that bad, considerin I got tha boot stuck inta me, after fuckin burnin myself alive healin tha damage tha Tohu did ta Spirit Gal. I give a good old grunt and Shiny inhaled sharp like, brinin her hands up to her mouth”oh!” and I make some more noises “ack! Kharrk” and then have a good old laugh. As Shiny changes colour in worry. I try ta make her feel better, I tell her about my scars, and that getting smacked in tha chest by a little thing like her on her first lesson, cyber arm or no.

Back to tha lesson “so . . . .punchin . . . . ya need ta make sure that after each punch, ya still be in a position ta take another . . .cause if ya miss . . . y might get over balance . .! dance dance dance” and I wave tha pillow at her again. She starts dancing about better, more free, and takes some shots, jabbin, hookin, I get her inta a rhythm, then I duck aside as she takes a tired swing with preternatural speed, leavin her hangin for a split second and pokes her in the side with a claw. She gets all indignant at me, “cheater!” she said, lookin shocked. “see? that was good, but, well, i cheat” She takes that in, and thinks a moment as we dance tha meat-dance “If someone is faster than I am, what can I do?”

Thinkin, this is why we collect smart folks to tha Institute, we listen, and have answers fer smart people, and then they wanna stay. “cover your self . . .or be smarter but, i knew ya were gonna punch, i told ya to, so, i was already movin aside . ..” Shiny nods and gives me a look, and we keep at it “Oh yeah?” I nod and give her a few openings, she’s watchin me now, ta see if I’ll pull something on her. That’s good. I still could, but, she’s a fresh boot, and a victim, I’m a trained and seasoned war-fighter. “try again, this time snap in, and snap back, so that when ya stand, yer elbows sit at yer sides . . .” She nods and we dance “
[11:35] Lyra Brezoianu nods “dance dance dance . . . . dance dance PUNCH” but instead of punchin, like I said ta do, she feints, and grabed my arm with her metal one, and gave me a right fuckin zappin, some sort of tazer thingy.

As I stood there makein a face, rubbing my arm as where my fur was still standin on end she took tha advantage of the distraction and lightly jabs me in tha stomach. That’s my Shiny! “fast learner, usually have ta TEACH people ta cheat” She had a good laugh and stuck out her tongue at me as tha Messenger came in. Helped me ferget tha Wide River, tha burnin, and what had happened ta Spirit Gal, fer a little bit, anyways.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Killing Joah

Dark mud smeared pencil note, dated 23/11/2008
Tracked Spirit Gal's scent to the crane by tha Factory, and up I went, along tha rail line, as saw her sittin on the ledge. A looked at her, and tha Thing glanced up. “well, lookit there . . . far away from tha rest of tha meat?” The Thing said “The meat? I suppose you could call it that....” It just makes me so mad, this bastard, stole my Spirit Gal, wanderin around in her. So I say to it“what i dont get is if yer so old and poowerful, why take a meat body anyway? just make one meat is . . . just meat, after all” The Thing don’t much like that “That is what you think of this one? Just meat? You hurt it, you know.” Bastard. I tried ta get It ta stop gouging tha mind of Raven’s Song, I asked Tha Library ta smack her about a bit. It stopped. “i know i did got yer attention though, didn't i?” Bastard Thing told me “It's shoulder is dislocated. She hurts. I do not.” Not good. So I vaulted over tha rail from tha tracks ta tha crane and told It ta give me her arm, she don’t resist. just looked up at me. I tenderly took her arm, and feels up from the elbow to the shoulder, and closed my eyes, manipulating it. I didn’t dare open myself up ta heal it, in case it came back up tha link ta me, but I still got my trainin, and as tha Govenator said I got “detailed files” on Fleshie anatomy. “and ya know what? ta set her free?” Joah’s body winced in pain as I worked. "What?" It asked. “i'll kill her ta free her from you, if i have to” I opened my eyes and looked as her as I reset tha shoulder with a jerk.

“she may not thank me, they usually don’t but she'd be free. Free” Joah's body grits her teeth. "You think that matters?" it hisses at me, but I know what I’m dealin with by now, I think, “i dont think you have a concept ta compare it ta” The Thing reaches one hand out to the metal bar beside her. She touches it and ice coats it making it brittle. With a snap she tears it off. "You are mistaken, dog. I've watched you before the world." Tha arrogance of these Godlings, that before they were befer so much, they are beyond us, or better than us. It shits me “then ya watched dumb” I said ta It.

Tha Thing disagrees, of course it would "No. I watched with eyes wide open. Ears hearing." Joah takes the broken bar in her hand. "Each of your steps from the primoridal ooze to legs and paws and claws." She raises the bar studying it. “yer a second rate Laybrinth, and ya stole from me, and mine, least tha Huntress offered herself . . . . tha shoulder will be stiff, mind ya work inta full rotation . . . I turn away from It, and started ta climb down. The Thing called after me "I offer no one anything. I am without form." Joah raised tha bar and plunged it inta her chest, heaving Her body shuddered as it was impaled. "Waste. Void." Blood begins to form at her mouth. "See what I do to the body you care so little for, dog."

I screamed at it, and ran back up tha steps as her body began ta slump. The whispers came through her mouth didn't move. "You said you'd kill it. Let me save you the trouble." At some stage I think I tore a toe claw off, but I didn’t notice till after. I just snatched her up, held her tight and jumped off tha crane, inta tha deep water of tha port, into the water, to tha Wide River. In tha eternity between ledge and water-strike I watched the light in Joah's eyes begin ta fade. I called out with all my bein fer tha one I knew could make it there ta help me. Who would hear tha call and feel Spirit Gal’s need as I did. At tha moment we woulda hit tha water, tha oppressive heat and humidity of tha Dark Jungle slamed into us as I trudged down tha backs inta tha to Wide River. “welcome to Death” Her eyes were wide and starin, barely a flicker of life let in them. Blood streamed down her chest from tha wound. The whispers said, "If that is what you wish for her, Coyote. She won't return. The body will be .... destroyed." They echo in many voices.

Fuckin bastard would lie and cheat me of my Spirit Gal, rule one, never believe tha kidnapper with a gun to his own head. I waded in ta tha River lettin the icy dark water wash over, stingin cold in the jungles heat. Tha Thing lay limp in my arms, the voices laughed at me, those Nail-their-God-to-a-Stick folks would call it a Baptisp. I call is a Sacred Rebirth. All birth comes with pain. He heard my Call, and into tha River decended Denethorn, in true Feather Grace. I looked up at my looked up at him, eyes glazing, fur slick with blood and sweat "now!" He heard tha Call, but I guess I need ta work on content “"FB, what is going on and where am I?" he asked curiously, he was looking about, kinda like he knew, but not sure “yer in tha Wide River, Angel-Brother. Death is here.” The Thing: in a rush of whispers that filled tha silent air, "The dog wished this body to die." Joah's lips didn’t move. "He brought it here. To the river of death." Tha laughter seemed ta come up from indise me, and I didn’t like it, not one bit.

“but Death stops here, From here, nothing dies.” I lifted Joah’s body in the water “Death is my ally, here” My Angel-Brother blinked and mutters and does his best to not cry out and speak calmly "I... I am assuming the Tohu has injured, Lady Grace..."
i turned and showed tha iron bar rammed inta Joah's chest “ya could say that”
her eyes flickered as if the light is going out of them. Blood washed from her clothes, spilled from her lips inta that cold, dark water. Featherpants sighed and grumbled "How may I help?" he remains strangely calm, I guess all them years has gotten him use to this... “It tried ta hurt me by hurtin Joah, cause i told it i'd kill her ta free her. Fuckin Ancient Spirits, so much power, so little BALLS. . . . hold her?” and i offered her still body like a precious flower to him. The Thing whispered at us "I have dwelt ever in realms apart from the visible world," the voices lilt. He nodded, and took her from me "I see... Sure..." and he held his hands out to hold the beauty he calls Lady Grace and I Name Spirit Gal, we pass her, passed from one of her lovers to another, from one Brother to another.

“then ya shoulda know better than ta come ta where we can bind ya” I say ta it as her blood swirls in the cold darkness. Here’s a hint. NEVER look under tha waters of tha Wide River, unless ya don’t value yer mind. The voices whisper and the wind rushes. "The River s more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time. I am beyond both." Featherpants gives its yammerin a yawn "Stupid fool does not even know I am prince of a forgotten kingdom long dead, I have dwealt in other worlds too..." I take a grip of tha bar in her chest, the icy water numbing and slowing her flesh and mine. The Thing just keeps at it whilst I do my Work. "Life is a hideous thing," the voices laugh. "You didn't want the body. I will take it" I hate It. I hate what It has done, tha contempt It has shown its vessel, my Spirit Gal. There is a covenant between spirit and flesh, and this has been flaunted. Featherpants is getting cranky now and grumbled "Look, stupid, I want the woman and the body back, stop pissing me off and shut yer trap, otherwise I'll shut it fer ya" he growls "And dn't think I can't" which is good, cause now I’m ready.

“before, maybe, but yer in tha River now, you have no idea, Old Spirit , what i sacrifice, for her. you couldn’t. you took her Fire and in this water, i give it BACK” Tha Thing gets one more shot off "Only the silent can tell all that has lain hidden," its whispers mocked. So I played my hand. I reached inta tha water, and fished in my cargo pockets for tha leather bag I had given tha Messenger. She had showed me her lucky coin, and told me she used ta make more fer her master, when she was in a cage. She’d been kind enough ta make two fer me, she knew I aint interested in wealth, and could see that it was a sacred thing fer me. So she did. Two coins fer tha River Crossing. I opened tha bag and took out tha two doubloons. “see these? Tha Messenger made em for me, know what they're for?” my Feathered Brother nodded.

My paw started ta steam and smoke as I held tha coins, I could feel tha burn, and tha tingle of tha Other Side callin. The Thing gurgled. It suddenly KNEW. Maybe Featherpants didn’t but I told themn both, ta make sure It knew. Intent is all. He blinked and told me ta be careful. But I was well past bein fuckin careful. “it burns me. its tha sacred fire of tha sun, given shape and form” I put both coins in one paw and made a fist, tha pain was searin, like a blowtorch, I could hear my paw burnin, seein flames lick between my knuckles. “I see” my Brither said, takin it in. Smoke and steam rose up from me and again, It spoke at us "cold, humorous stars only the dying sun and the pale mournful planets," the voices whisper. Featherpants snarled at it "I SAID... SHUT... UP!!!" I reached out with my other paw and griped the bar. “tha sacred source of life, tha all fire, tha light that drove tha emptiness away.

I yanked tha bar out, I could hear tha wet slurpin sound of it as it came free, runnin over ribs and back outta her meat and lungs, its smooth sides slipping cleanly from the wound and I tossed it like a dart inta tha banks of tha River. The voices lilt in a mirthful laugh. "Prying the bar means death....." Joah's body went right slack. My time was up. I pressed one coin against the wound with my burnin paw and growled out at It. “Nothing. Dies. Here. Death. Stops. Here.” Then I did something I’d have cursed ya out for a fuckin nong if ya would tell me I’d have ever done. I put tha other coin in my mouth. Featherpants smirked and whispered to It"You are wrong also in the aspect that death means nothing to us..." and she convulsed in tha water. My mouth. Oh Goddess, my mouth, it burnt, steam and fire in my mouth, in my lungs, comin outta my nose, as I felt Fetherpants pumpin power inta me from On High. I stopped bein able ta see and moved in close ta find Joah’s face. There was a pop, and I felt fire spillin outta my lips. I know I was makin noises, but all I could think of was ta kick that bastart out of my Spirit Gal.

I bent over, and kissed her, letting tha fire breathe outta me, and inta her. Sacred Flame. Sacred Kiss. Fire of Life. Kiss of Life. Between tha fuck-off pain, tha icy sting of tha River, I barely felt tha tingle of tha Other Side no more, but I knew it was there, callin me, and something else, like shadows beginin ta gather around us. At first, furtive little ones, then bolder ones in dark clouds. I could see bright red through my clenched eyes, goin ta white as Featherpants Came Forth. But then something odd happened, I felt tha River pull away from me, I didn’t move, but tha weight pulled away from my belly, my legs. Tha River was trying to get away from Life as I burned inside and out. Over my own sounds, I geard as gasp, and felt her body move. I felt tha shadows give way, and move off. I heard tha sizzle and pop of me, burnin and tha low lap of tha River, holdin back.

Spirit Gal’s voice. I heard her voice, from so far away. "Grr? D-d-denenthorn?" she was stammerin in a breathy whisper. I opened my eyes and saw, though my tears, that she was lookin up at him, from tha waters where he held her, she looked at me, and tha River washed back over me. I guess I kinds slumped inta it, spittin out that fuckin coin, which was still burnin, musta had parts of me stuck ta it. It hit tha water and boiled on tha way down fer just a second. My muzzle went under, and I heard tha Other Side callin, callin strong. Oh, Goddess, tha fear of that. I got too much ta do, I cant Cross, I owe, I owe big, and I gotta pay off my debt, like in tha deal. I coughed as that icy blackness put tha fires in me out, spultterin and in desperate panic, I scrambled up through the mud up the bank curled up into a ball, shuddering, almost out of my mind in pain, fear and grief. I know that now.

In tha Faraway I heard Featherpants sayin “Name, rank, and smethin about you no one else would know?" and Spirit Gal’s voice askin "What happened?" there was a pause, and th heat of tha Dark Jungle soaked back inta me, burnin in a different way ta tha coins did. "Nothin much, my brother just almost killed himelf to save yer ass..." I heard him yawn. And Spirit Gal, clear as a bell across a valley"Is he alright?" she asks with worry. The wind begins to stir. That was odd. Ain’t no wind by tha River, nor in tha Dark Jungle. But at tha time, all I could do was lift my head, and then I saw it, Tha Wide River. Waitin. I was sprawled on tha back, face down in tha mud and when I looked at tha River I just kicked up and away from it, whimperin and whining.

Featherpants snarled I don’t know who to "He better be, otherwise I'm gonna hunt Tohu va Bahu and utterly destroy his soul and send it to Lucifer..." musta been ta Spirit Gal, I hear her too, I try to dig a foxhole in tha mud. Everythin’s better when yer in yer hole. They can’t see ya when yer in yer hole. Tha shrapnel will miss you when yer in yer hole. Sometimes. "Take me to him...please," Joah begged. I hear their feet as they crunch and mush over to me, someone knelt next ta me and I felt a hand "Come on, FB, it's ok you did wonderful..." I looked up, saw their faces as I lay there, lookin down at me and it all came rushin back. THa firefight at tha Firebase, tha Felines comin over tha barricades, and heard tha whine, tha shrill wine of tha shell that took me here tha first time. I bet my eyes just rolled wildly from face ta face and then back at tha River, I could see my feet, pushin away from it and started clutchin my belly and chest. Tha burnin, tha burnin inside me.

I heard Spirit Gal kneelin by me too, leanin over me. The wind roared loud, the trees bent in tha wind. No wind in tha Dark Jungle, no wind by tha Wide River, it’s a still, still place. "My brother you are ok, you sacrifice much and now tat sacrifice is over and Joah is here to protect you as am I..." I opened my muzzle ta warn him, ta warn her, but I was burt too bad, all I could do was ta make a keein noise, cracked and raw and just cry, runnin paws over my old wounds and stare at tha River. Featherpants stood up, tha mud not stickin ta him and he looked down at us both and sighed as he grabbed his cane outta no-where and just guardin, like we was his most precious treasures. Spirit Gal was cryin, and holdin me. I like her eyes. She’s got nice eyes, and she always smelt good. Like fresh dress uniform. I wished I coulda smelt her then, but all I could smell was burnt me and mud. The wind began ta howl, her hair whips back, the trees bend low ta the ground.

Its time, I just wanted ta be away. I tried ta close my eyes but when I did, tha Dark comin fer her was there, waitin in my Other Sight, and that was scarier than seein tha River. Just. So I panted, clutchin my belly and Spirit Gal holds me tight, and I feel her fer tha first time, she was pourin herself inta me, takin my burns, takin it inta her. I reatched up, and clung ta her, and grabbed at Featherpant’s leg, holdin them both like I was drownin. I guess I was. A roarin sound is heard as waves from the River pounded into tha shore. "I want it back!" I guess I healed enough ta croak out “Spirit Gal . . .i love you . . .i'll always come for you, Always” as I looked from tha faces of my Brother and Sister-Lover. She looked up inconfusion and pain. "I...beloved...." She twisted her mouth, her face grimaced in pain and her lips sealed tight. It was back, so I told it, lookin from tha River to It "and that . . . that you will never know, will you?" Tha Thing convulsed as the wind howls. "She is MINE," voices say in a rush of whispers. “no, she aint. theft dont make ownership. she is HERS” I pushed myself up ta all fours in tha mud. The Thing stood, lookin from Featherpants ta me. Tha look of worry and concern on her face is off, it aint right. She laughs silently at me, unable to speak.

Featherpants lets go of his own shell as his eyes rolls into the back of his head and a strong boomin voice came outta nowhere and everywhere "Abomination!" it screams "I cal thee forth, it is time to BOW DOWN!" I couldn’t take all this, I go down inta tha mud again. He booms at It "Come out, Tohu, face a King!" as I crawl away, back ta my foxhole scratchin. The Thing turned and followed me nudged me with the toe of her boot, the reared back her foot and kicked me in tha ribs. Bastard. Tha winds seem ta pick up as a storm darker than night came forth and surrounds my Brother. The Thing looked at the sky. I grabbed at Its foot, and yankin it ta topple It, never get inta a mud fight with a jungle fighter but Featherpants trumps me "Away from HIM!" and throws up his hand, castin fuckin Lightning and aiming at Joah' body, seeming to miss by inches as his eyes flick ta me holdin her.

I go back down as tha static gives me a zap but Tha Thing just stands still, grinnin at me. She turned back toward Featherpants and smiled. His True Form, tha Darkstorm spoke "You're fucking with the wrong woman, YOUNG spirit" he held out his hand and growled "Remove you slimy paws from my Kryptonite, Tohu..."I looked up from the mud as Tha Thing stretched her arms out and smiled. The Darkstorm grabbed It by the arm "perhaps it is time for you to enter my nightmare..." The Thing whiped her head around, realisin it was in tha shit now. He looked down me as they began ta fade away, dematerializin into nothing and he whisperd "Allow chaos to handle this, rest and stay away, you will not be able to help her nor I..." I just nodded and pushe myself deeper into my muddy hole.

Even this, fer all tha risk. Fer all tha cost, was worth it, if fer nothing else, It knows what we’re willin ta do ta get her back.

Failin that. I told her.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How to cook Tofu

Pencil entry, dated 21/11/2008

Bastard thing is in my Spirit Gal.
Her Ladyship is away.
Captain Featherpants is actin screw-loose still from bein in Hell.

Raven's Song and me shunted it outta tha Messenger, and it went ta Spirit Gal when no one was Watchin.

No one but me.

Bastard thing. You cant hide from tha Watcher.

I told it ta get out, it laughed at me.
I told it if it hurt her, i'd Hunt it, and it sneared at me.

Told me it was older than Death, older than tha World.
Well, Bastard thing with no Mother, do i got a surprise for you.

Once together, Always together.
Once in a place, Always in a place.
If a thing looks like something, it IS that thing.

I just Changed the rules. Now you're in MY sandbox.
Welcome to the Flux Realm, fucker, where nothing stays Bound.

((100th post, yay me!))

Athos and the JAFFY Fangers

Pencil note in a messy hand, as if written whilst walking, dated 19/11/2008
Stacy of tha Righteous nodded solemnly and spoke "Pix, you always make me proud dear." I padded up, and looked first to Stacey, and bowed, as befitted her station, then to Pix. Tha Covenite door-warden Seven smiled, "Seem's he has come back, Pix" We’d spoken earlier, I’d let them know I needed ta talk with Athos, but not why. Her Ladyship prefers we’re covert. So She gets covert. Stacy nodded respectfully to me. I appreciate that. Some folks can actually see past tha fur and claws. Athos smiled at me "Hey fellow musketeer" then tipped her head to Stacy "thank you ". Athos used ta report ta Stacey, when she was servin tha Righteous cause. I said g'day ta her and told her I was there on official business... Family stuff ... Stacy’s eyes went wide then slowly softened "well official business I will leave you to it.. Good Day Pix, Mr GrrBrool, and all.” I guess she wasn’t expectin that tha Institute ever did much trade with tha Coven, or something ... least nothing serious. I suppose we don’t, at least, not serious like this.

Athos sighed and turns around "guess we'd better go inside then" smiles once again at Stacy "please call back when you have the time" Tha Warden excused herself too, and scooted away on an errandand I followed Athos inta tha Shop. I padded in and looks about. Always good ta check yer entrances and exits, cubs . . . especially when ya’ve had Family threatened with dismemberment in tha place. That was tha cock-tard, Arcann, once one of Ours, but he sodded off in a dick-size debate and took sloppy control over tha Coven, that’s when they got tha name Housewives, ‘cause of how he “ruled with a pink rod” HE also threatened Spirit Gal with a sword, which is when I knew he’d flipped his lid. Poor bastard, stress of command aint fer everybody. That’s why I never took up tha Beta nor Alpha roles in tha Pack, when I coulda taken a shot at em. Knew my limits. Athos mumbled an incantation and lifts the wards, walking behind the curtain "come inside Grr" I felt tha prickles of tha magics part, but were still there, on tha edges of feelin, ready ta come down if I misbehaved. Fair bloody enough too.

As I crossed tha threshold it reminded me “don’t fuck-up, or I’ll snot ya” more a feelin than words, but, good enough, so I said “i so pledge” formal like. Never hurts ta be formal with tha Spirits. Athos chuckled "take a seat Grr, I've often used yours" I do got a seat. Tha cushion nearest Her Ladyship. Close but out of tha way. Makes me look a little less big, which puts some folks at ease, I found. Im real tall if I stand up like a Fleshie, but that usually puts my head too far from tha ground. I looked at tha cushions and sat on one “this one seems nice, covers tha doors.. .” Athos nods "no fire though, What's the official business hon?” I got as comfy as icould, I knew it could go bad, so I took my time. Diplomacy, its tha job I took up, and it might come pretty natural fer me, fer a Shifter, but that don’t necessarily mean I’m actually any good t it, when ya think fo tha rest of tha world.

“well, heres tha intel we got. One of our junior members recently stopped bein human. not really by his own choice or at least, not enough of his own choice, Blake ” I said, but I saw Athos bitin her lip and noddin, she knew already. "I met him outside the church” she paused “not by his own choice? I was told....... no please go on Yes, Blake”. SO I went on. “yep, Blake tha brand spankin new Fanger. yeah, thats tha grey bit. Anyways, it seems his Sire, didn’t really explain tha deal, or maybe he was too thick in tha head or tha pants ta realise” Athos asked “What particular part of it?” I told her that he didn't seem ta realise he wasnt bein asked ta be fed on, but ta get Embraced. Athos frowney "I suspect pants were involved" I gave a huff and agreed that pants were involved awright. Then Athos asked "You mean....she didn't tell him? She swears he asked for it" I tell her that thats what he said, that he may have said yes, but it seemed he was a little hazy on what that meant, like tha eternity bit, and tha no more solid food bit, and tha sun. I asked her "ya see where im goin here?" Athos growled at tha room and nodded. I went on sayin "anyways, it seems his Sire is one of yers, 'Cinn from tha Coven', he said." Athos frowned some more "She's new to the whole thing herself, but.... there's no excuse. We know her as Lex" I just shook my head "cubs . . . Her Ladyship was . . .. cranky" Athos agreey "I'd be cranky to say the least if I thought one of mine had been changed without requesting it"

I told her that we'd see ta his trainin, and welfare, leaven it hangin fer a minute. Athos thought fer a moment and said “Omega is certainly the best as far as his new circumstances are concerned, if it were another time and if Tony.....well anyway. I did visit the library on Sunday with Lex as I heard you were looking for her, sadly no-one was present.” I told Athos that Her Ladyship would like ta meet with her, when it suits both their times. So I said to her “She aint tha vengeful type, fer . . .accidents . . .but i think ya'd agree, somethin needs be done . . .” Athos nodded again "I do indeed. This needs sorting. I will certainly talk to Lex about it and demand an explanation, also tell her that this isn't something I approve of at all. How do you think we can resolve this Grr?”

Well, I told her as best I could “err, im not rightly sure . . .
I said im usually in favour of a good beatin . . . .but, im not tha most civilized creatures on tha planet” Athos nodded some more "Can certainly punish her, but I suspect she hasn't been rightly taught herself.” I suggested that Her Ladyship was probably tha best trainer of JAFFY Fangers that we had ta hand and put it ta Athos that she could bring her one to us, “that’s probably tha best solution of all, Athos . . . She will make Her displeasure known, and at tha same time, spread tha learnin too . . .” Athos sighed and agreed "Unfortunately I'm not all that good at teaching people how to be vampires" I shrugged ta her, I don’t, neither. Athos thumped tha cushion she was on "some of them as we both know are stubborn as hell and don't share stuff." Fuckin KA backstabbin pus-suckers. I told her we know some of them awright, and laughed.

Athos said “I do hope that you will not hold the Coven personally responsible for this?” I shook my muzzle at her and said “and look, neither of us had ta threaten anybody, or tear arms and leg off or nothing. Naw, Athos, i know yer under a strain here, and crazy pups will always be crazy pups” Athos shrugs "I try my best, but I'm afraid with two of my elders kidnapped, perhaps I wasn't caring for the rest as well as I should have been" We had gotten reports of this, some one had snatched their movers and shakers. Athos smiled "Everyone is home safe and well" It all sounded too much like that what happened ta min the tha Zoo, when I first Changed, so I asked “tats terrific news I said err . . .was it tha Military?” Athos shook her head "business, wanted to use them as a power source. Oh well, it's all dealt with now” I made a face and said “thats good, ya sick a pox on their stock options?” Athos laughed "did some stuff with their employees"
I told her thats it was a start, but Athos grimaced "I'm sorry to say an end as well. I got my folks, but the company didn't get their folks back"

I could see tha strain on her now, clear as day. Pix was not tha kind of leader ta take life lightly, even fer her own people. Principled. That’s a rare thing, even more so in a place like Tox. I said “ahh, i see, heavy prices we paid, and . . .lives ... . even of those that wronged ya . .” Athos sighed "you know I'm not the agressive type. This time it sent out a message to those that wronged us though" I put up my guns a long time ago, I see where she is comin from, so I told her “I’m glad our two Families get along like we do.” Athos said “Well we used to, I hope this little, uh how can I phrase it, incident? won't stop that. I think I need to have a talk with my lot about agression and needless killing.” I laughed, telling her sometimes its all we can do.

Athos smiles warmly "you know I hope you and I will always get on" I said “can't see us not, Athos, all fer one” Athos said “and one for whiskey?” I sighed sadly and stared at my paws a minute before sayin “yah, one fer whiskey! shall we?” Athos said “Aw Grr, always one for all, you know that.” Athos stood up "I'm afraid that I should go find my vamp maker" but I was in my funk, and just looked up at Athos and said “i miss My-She still, Pix” My-She, Aramis ta my Porthos and her Athos. She asked gentle like as I stood and touched tha Ward on my way out " It's down Grr, you're safe. Any news on her?" and I told her what I knew “she aint comin back” as I padded away I heard Athos say “Take care out there”

I already have. Diplomacy. Keepin tha claret in tha bottle. I felt good about that, at least . . .

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tha Messenger's thoughts

Pencil entry, dated 14/11/2008
I woke up and wandered out from my sleeping place in tha Library, and found tha Messenger hangin about. Been a whiles since I seen her, so I thought I'd get a status update. Turns out she's been havin more troubles with her Gift, and workin on understandin what it is she does, and how. “I've been busy with researching tings. I figure I may as well learn about what it is 'appening to moi. Da messenger's been around. I can feel her sometimes. Like on da surface. Is weird you know. I thought I knew myself pretty well. Now I'm not so sure."

She had a look out tha windows, it was quiet, been quiet these few days, and its been makin us a bit jumpy, like we're waitin fer tha smack of tha round ya don't hear. I try ta give her some peace of mind “well, no one ever knows everythin, Messenger . .” but she's a deep thinker, our Messenger, “you must have similar feelings. Like where do you end and the other side of you begin.” I just nodded and held out my paws “at tha end of my claws, Luv, at tha end of my claws”

A look crosses her face, and I think I got too mystical at her “Da aether experiments 'ave been working out finally. I 'ad finished one right before da flood receeded, but didn't 'ave a use for it afterwards. I've only been able to peer into it momentarily. da basis of thought, matter, dreams. Is like a form waiting to me shaped. It boarders worlds, gives spirits form. It explains how I was once able to create duplicates of tings from what I thought was nothing.” Ya see, tha Messenger is a willworker, she's got tha ability ta shape and mould tha Other, and bring it forth. Like tha Maker, but her powers come from herself, and tha stuff she shapes comes from tha Other, not tha other way around.

I nodded again and looked slyly over "more than meets tha eye in ya, Messenger, it was a great gift, yer comin to us ahh, well, we'r etha tinkerers, tha lookers, tha learners tha Watchers, Messenger" It's my plan that we can train up tha Messenger ta understand herself, and when we do,she'll be a better soldier fer tha Measure of tha Change. I like that idea, ta sharpen tha claws of Raven's Messenger. She went on fer a bit more“Makes sense in some tings. I knew very little about it and 'ad no idea I could shape it. Not before dis. I never questioned how it worked. I can feel da presence of whatever it is dat's growing closer within da aether. Is like an child with a new toy, making is dreams walk in our world. I dun get how to stop someting dat's just playing with our reality.”

Godlings piss me off, always tryin ta take on tha world. Like its their right. Maybe its their rite ta try, but its tha arrogance that anythin can actually take away from tha Great Spirits what they Shaped, Named and Carved from tha Other. “well, we have had ta deal with godlings befer, Messenger, i find that as long as ya stay just off to tha side, ya can get them ta run in circles till they piss off on their own. trick is, to poke them with tha right kind of stick. maybe yer gunna teach us what kinda stick ta use.”

I thought I could give her some cheer, some direction, after she said ”I 'ope so. I'll do what I can anyway.” I gave her an image ta think on “well, its that or build a catapult to shoot me at it out of” She got ta chuckling . . “Let's hope to keep dat one as a last resort. I dun tink dis world is ready or a flying Grr.” Funny thing is, tha world's awready seen a flyin me. “ha, well, i got my paratrooper wings . . . hell, i still have a chute, i nicked” She was grinning wide by that stage and went on “Then as long we dun aim at a building you should be alright."

I gotta say, that is tha part about fallin I like tha least, and I tried ta explain it tat ha Spirit Gal, too, when she took her jump off tha balcony. Damn near put a white streak on my fur, that did. “err, yeah . . .i prefer ta stay one of the three shapse i got awready . . round and lumpy aint my plan, but im serious. ya might be tha edge we need, ya can feel it, ya got a handle on the nature of tha Other. This brings us back ta tha comin of Tha Messenger ta Tox just when I was callen fer guidance of Raven. Not that aspect that lives in Lorne or rather tha Thing that is Legion.

That reminds me, it was a bit rough of me ta not tell Tha Messenger about that, when she found out I was glad that I was there, and some things need ta be found out by yerself. She handled it pretty good.
only passed out fer a little while, could still talk after and such. Trick is ta get it clear in yer head that meetin an aspect of a Great Spirit aint tha same as meetin them in person. No more than meetin a tank is meetin tha army. Tha Messenger knows her comin ain't an accident. "Oui, is too.. coincidental. I walked around da city for hours trying to find out where da bad feeling was coming from, even off to da pit, and is what it is. Was da weak barrier between worlds in dis city and I could feel it on da other side."

I pointed at her and got very dramatic sayin in my best TV quote voice "unless it is YOU" Tha Messenger smirked, "Dat would be irony, no? Dat trip to get Joah from da dreamlands really stirred someting in me. Since then I've felt more connected. I created an aetheric transducer for experimentation because I couldn't find one anywhere. Maybe is not been invented. Is to record and shape how da aether works. I've been meaning to try it out on myself when da Messenger takes over, but I'll 'ave to get someone else." She took off her glasses and cleaned them on her shirt, "I can't imagine what kind of readings dat would 'ave."

Possession creaps me out, i'm all fer channelin tha Powers through me. Its how I do most of my Workins but i'm always me through it, even if I take on some of their aspects, its still me at tha wheel. "huh, maybe ya need some of tha Institute ta scan ya over some times" Tha Messenger nodded, "Dats what I 'ad in mind. How often do you get da chance to study possession on yourself?" Like I say, creeps me right out. Especially if tha Walkin ain't friendly or welcomed in. Its hard ta explain "err . . .well . . .i try and stay clear of it, myself. . .ha eerrr, madness is as close as i get, and lets not go there again any time soon" Tha Messenger, crazy like a sun drunk drongo grined, "Well it could be worse. I might be in all sorts of trouble if someting else was influencing moi. Part of dat curse I was born with. At least with da messenger on da influencial side, keeps other strong minded tings from taking advantage of moi. In da past I.. dirtied my 'ands because of it. Raven probably knew of me for a while." Raven tends its Messengers. Coyote lets us get hit by trucks but Raven will startle tha Murder befor is jams its way through. I told her as much "probably, thats what tha Great Spirits do, they keep eyes on their chosen fer a while"

Tha Messenger seems ta take this in her stride, "Maybe dis way I can work toward someting good. I've never really been in charge of my own life. Creation is a powerful gift. People will kill over it and die over it. Is da story of my life. I guess I 'ave first 'and experience." Seems all of us in Tha Institute got some kinda broken past we're either runnin from or makin up fer. Or both "yer awready workin towards somethin good, Messenger, i seen that in ya"

Tha Messenger took out an old coin tucked away under the top of her glove, "Dis was da start of my
glint I got tha fear. Gold. I kinda pulled away from her. I dunno if she noticed. She fliped it and tucked it back inta her glove, "When my foster parents were murdered, my master used my gift to make endless amounts of gold. Dis just 'appens to be da original one. I could be wealthy, but is only ever brought me pain. I only need what I can carry with me."

Thank fuck for that. I like tha Messenger. I hope we can keep her safe from what ever it is out there that she's seein. In my experience, if ya can see a Spirit in tha Other, its been seein ya fer longer. Its good ta know I don't got ta worry about too many surprises if I have ta pull her outta tha fire sometime.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Age Shall Not Weary Them

Pencil note, dated 11/11/2008
Lest We Forget

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"

Painfully correct pencil writing, dated 11/11/2008

Ode - Melbourne Shrine Of Remembrance

So long as memory, valour, and faith endure,
Let these stones witness, through the years to come,
How once there was a people fenced secure
Behind great waters girdling a far home.

Their own and their land's youth ran side by side
Heedless and headlong as their unyoked seas,
Lavish o'er all, and set in stubborn pride
Of judgment, nurtured by accepted peace.

Thus, suddenly, war took them, seas and skies
Joined with the earth for slaughter. In a breath
They, scoffing at all talk of sacrifice,
Gave themselves without idle words to death.

Thronging as cities throng to watch a game
Or their own herds move southward with the year,
Secretly, swiftly, from their ports they came,
So that before half earth had heard their name
Half earth had learned to speak of them with fear;

Because of certain men who strove to reach,
Through the red surf, the crest no man might hold,
And gave their name for ever to a beach
Which shall outlive Troy's tale when Time is old;

Because of horsemen, gathered apart and hid,
Merciless riders whom Megiddo sent forth
When the outflanking hour struck, and bid
Them close and bar the drove-roads to the north;

And those who, when men feared the last March flood
Of Western war had risen beyond recall,
Stormed through the night from Amiens and made good,
At their glad cost, the breach that perilled all.

Then they returned to their desired land,
The kindly cities and plains where they were bred,
Having revealed their nation in earth's sight
So long as sacrifice and honour stand,
And their own sun at the hushed hour shall light
The shrine of these their dead!

-Rudyard Kipling

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fire from the fireworks, up above

Pencil entry, in a messy, tired hand dated 10/11/2008

We were sittin in the Library, enjoyin tha relative peace that had settled over Tox these last few days. Rhaven’s Song was there, and Spirit Gal and I were sittin close by tha fireside.She’s got a real affinity fer fire, so do I, I guess. One of tha reasons we get on so well, ha, like a house on fire ya could say. We were sittin, and chillin, Spirit Gal had started preenin me, which I am real grateful fer. We tend ta gravitate ta one another, fer comfort, like that. We understand each other well enough now that we been through so much. She and me have gotten real close, even with our differences, and we been forged inta something strong now. She knows I’ll follow her wherever her journey takes her, and that I will always have her six. She’s Pack ta me, Family, and stronger than blood.

So there we were, sittin, chattin, when tha topic of Strong Gal came up. She’s been kept under heavy guard by Snappypants, her mate. He’s a Fanger, and fer some reason, wants ta keep her as pure and unchanged as he can. Strange that, but I guess its in his nature, never changing himself, ta keep those around him from changein too. Can’t say I agree with that, but thing is, his den, his rules. He’s her mate, and is actin as best he can. I guess. Thing is, Strong Gal aint never gonna be safe just fer bein locked up. She’ll stay safe until there is a moments lapse, and then she’ll be like a new pup in tha open. Blind, mewlin, helpless. Snappypants has made a serious tactical blunder in holing up like he has. It may have worked fer all tha ages he’s been around till now, but he never had a Fleshie wife ta tend before this, neither.

Me and Spirit gal, we see tha risk. Spirit Gal though, she took it personal, and took it inta Snappypant’s face. Thing with Elder Fangers is, though, they don’t generally take kindly ta bein told what ta do, by no one. They have ta survive on their own, their whole un-lives. Its in their nature. Her Ladyship aint hardly too different neither. Well, She’s plenty different, but, well, when ya been one way fer such a long, long time, things tend ta get laid down in habit. It was tis kinda thinking that Spirit Gal fergot when she took Snappypants ta task about Strong Gal’s “security”.

Worse, Her Ladyship had told her to leave it ta Her. Snappypants got irate, and seems ta have locked Strong Gal up even tighter, bu worse when he complained ta Her Ladyship about Spirit Gals “meddlin” She didn’t have anythin ta say ta it. Except when She finally got around ta talking to Spirit Gal about it . . .She wasn’t happy about it. More about bein disobeyed than anything, although, I think She was worried about what Snappy pants might do.

Like I said ta Her ladyship, he was actin way past reason. . . . deep in crazy-land, if ya ask me. Her Ladyship, though, was more interested in makin sure Spirit Gal understood that she needed ta obey Her Ladyships decrees. Reminded her about when She held tha Huntress’ paw in tha fire, till it crisped, when she lied about takin prey she shouldn’t have. Her Ladyship made it very clear ta Spirit Gal that she required obedience. I wouldn’t say She was furious, She hardly raised Her voice, but Spirit Gal got tha message, and did tha kneelin head-down thing that Fleshies do when they are offerin submission. Kinda like rollin ta show yer belly and throat.

I been doin some research too, on tha side, after Strong Gal got harassed by that Pack thug, TC. I knew Snappypants would object ta my regular combat drillin, so I looked fer something he’d consider more “civilised”. Fightin fer ladies. Her Ladyship didn’t seem ta sway either way. She was still on Spirit Gal’s case. See, Spirit Gal’s got a temper, a fiery temper ya could say. Her Ladyship has one too, in fact, fire is something we all have in common. Spirit Gal is a fire-worker, Her Ladyship burns with tha Eden-fire, me and my scars tell of tha fire in me.

Turns out Her Ladyship didn’t feel tha need ta give Spirit Gal any more punishment than a goot hard tongue lashin, yet. Tha threat of more ta come, pendin findin out just what Snappypants has put Strong Gal through. I think that might even be worse. Hard ta live with tha loomin threat of of retribution. Sprit Gal was pretty distraught, but still fightin, its her way. She submitted, but is still . . .persistin. That’s my Spirit Gal, she’s got a cause ta fight for, and she’s gunna fight fer it, even when it means getting under foot of others of us that are tryin ta do tha same thing. Strong leader, whether she knows it or not.

Her Ladyship, she knows it too, I think, knows that Spirit Gal’s insubordination is fuelled by her need ta fight tha wrongs she sees Strong Gal goin through. That don’t make it all fine, but at least she aint buckin tha system fer something petty or stupid. That’s one reason we’re Pretors, we look after our own. Fer tha Institute, fer Her Ladyship, they are Family. Her family. We do it fer love, of Her, of tha work, of the Library. We Watch over.

Kin, pack ,Blood.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Quick and the Dead

Pencil note, blood smeared
We had some troubles with my Pack kin recently. Territory troubles. Seems they got up enough strength to think they needed ta expand. Idiots. Their command structure couldn't cope last time, it can't this time neither. It shows when they start randomly attackin other factions, shows that they have ta lash out cause if they don't they'll come apart inside. I've seen it happen. Here and in tha field.

So here's what happed. One of their hot-heads, Lei, who was bustin fer a transfer from Scout ta Hunter decided that tha gutter-kit that was crushin on her somethin fierce needed some 9mm deterence. Harsh, but not my problem. She had her fight streetside, no fur off my muzzle. Tha drama came when some more of her Packmates rocked up and a simple strong Lycan with guns verses pathetic unarmed defenseless Kit slayin turned inta a torture tha meat session. Cause they gotta look big in front of each other.

They all started takin turns beatin, cutting and violatin on tha Kit, right on our doorstep. Strong Gal was in with us, and she don’t cope well with that kinda thing. I tried ta keep her away from it all, but she has a way of slippin past yer guard. I was distracted fer a second and she was out at tha door again, and startin ta draw attention. Pack attention, in a bit of a frenzy they were, like wild dogs on roadkill. This weren’t no feedin display, they were in it fer tha pain. If they had just killed it and taken their turns eatin on it, I wouldn’ta batted an eye. Call of tha Wild, it woulda been.

But they didn’t, they were playin with it, and not outta trainin, but just outta spite, spite fer tha Furf, and spite fer us. Lorne of all folks was there and had a gutful, and after telling them ta piss off, yanked it inside, and that was that. Well, they sure didn’t like him doin that, but, once he was, I saw ta his wounds. Riddled with bullets, mostly through and throughs, (seems Lei was a better shot than I thought, but maybe not fer tha same reasons), superficial knife wounds and tha predations of bein violated in tha ass with his own tail. They yammered and howled and were generally obnoxious, but didn’t come inside.

Whilst I was givin tha kit a full triage and tendin his wounds, that was when Strong Gal wandered out and started coppin some serious verbal stick from tha ones that had stuck around. TC. He’s got a big mouth on him, and a mean streak. Started suggestin he would have his turn violatin Strong Gal too, that she looked ta him like she was already used ta that kinda thing. That we kept her locked up and used her in shifts. That kinda evil Fleshie crap that turned my guts and made me leave tha Pack in tha first place.

What kinda demented creature would think that sexually abusin yer own Family was a means of keepin them under control, and was a useful was of dominatin yer foes? It aint natural, and it ain’t tha way of wolves. Wolves will mount their subordinates, in a display of dominance, but they don’t do it fer punishment, that’s what fang and claw are fer. They don’t do it ta their prey neither, or any competin predators that they cross territory with. It’s a Fleshie thing. Brought inta my Kin by tha Fleshie side of their selves.

When I realized what was goin down outside, I scarpered out right smart, and got between TC and Strong Gal, but TC discounted me as a potential combatant and let his spittin go at Lorne instead, which earnt him a thrashin, followed by, after spurnin my offer fer aide, Lornes boot crushin his neck inta tha road. Give some, loose some, and this time? Give Strong Gal trouble? Lose yer fuckin spine. I owe Lorne fer that. I don’t think I could face off against my Kin and hope ta win. Not in a straight fight. I ain’t no good at toe to toe. I’m an ambush predator.

They disgust me. They can call me names all they like, but they disgust me, and make me ashamed ta call them Kin. But Kin they are.

Blood, pack, Kin