Thursday, November 20, 2008

Athos and the JAFFY Fangers

Pencil note in a messy hand, as if written whilst walking, dated 19/11/2008
Stacy of tha Righteous nodded solemnly and spoke "Pix, you always make me proud dear." I padded up, and looked first to Stacey, and bowed, as befitted her station, then to Pix. Tha Covenite door-warden Seven smiled, "Seem's he has come back, Pix" We’d spoken earlier, I’d let them know I needed ta talk with Athos, but not why. Her Ladyship prefers we’re covert. So She gets covert. Stacy nodded respectfully to me. I appreciate that. Some folks can actually see past tha fur and claws. Athos smiled at me "Hey fellow musketeer" then tipped her head to Stacy "thank you ". Athos used ta report ta Stacey, when she was servin tha Righteous cause. I said g'day ta her and told her I was there on official business... Family stuff ... Stacy’s eyes went wide then slowly softened "well official business I will leave you to it.. Good Day Pix, Mr GrrBrool, and all.” I guess she wasn’t expectin that tha Institute ever did much trade with tha Coven, or something ... least nothing serious. I suppose we don’t, at least, not serious like this.

Athos sighed and turns around "guess we'd better go inside then" smiles once again at Stacy "please call back when you have the time" Tha Warden excused herself too, and scooted away on an errandand I followed Athos inta tha Shop. I padded in and looks about. Always good ta check yer entrances and exits, cubs . . . especially when ya’ve had Family threatened with dismemberment in tha place. That was tha cock-tard, Arcann, once one of Ours, but he sodded off in a dick-size debate and took sloppy control over tha Coven, that’s when they got tha name Housewives, ‘cause of how he “ruled with a pink rod” HE also threatened Spirit Gal with a sword, which is when I knew he’d flipped his lid. Poor bastard, stress of command aint fer everybody. That’s why I never took up tha Beta nor Alpha roles in tha Pack, when I coulda taken a shot at em. Knew my limits. Athos mumbled an incantation and lifts the wards, walking behind the curtain "come inside Grr" I felt tha prickles of tha magics part, but were still there, on tha edges of feelin, ready ta come down if I misbehaved. Fair bloody enough too.

As I crossed tha threshold it reminded me “don’t fuck-up, or I’ll snot ya” more a feelin than words, but, good enough, so I said “i so pledge” formal like. Never hurts ta be formal with tha Spirits. Athos chuckled "take a seat Grr, I've often used yours" I do got a seat. Tha cushion nearest Her Ladyship. Close but out of tha way. Makes me look a little less big, which puts some folks at ease, I found. Im real tall if I stand up like a Fleshie, but that usually puts my head too far from tha ground. I looked at tha cushions and sat on one “this one seems nice, covers tha doors.. .” Athos nods "no fire though, What's the official business hon?” I got as comfy as icould, I knew it could go bad, so I took my time. Diplomacy, its tha job I took up, and it might come pretty natural fer me, fer a Shifter, but that don’t necessarily mean I’m actually any good t it, when ya think fo tha rest of tha world.

“well, heres tha intel we got. One of our junior members recently stopped bein human. not really by his own choice or at least, not enough of his own choice, Blake ” I said, but I saw Athos bitin her lip and noddin, she knew already. "I met him outside the church” she paused “not by his own choice? I was told....... no please go on Yes, Blake”. SO I went on. “yep, Blake tha brand spankin new Fanger. yeah, thats tha grey bit. Anyways, it seems his Sire, didn’t really explain tha deal, or maybe he was too thick in tha head or tha pants ta realise” Athos asked “What particular part of it?” I told her that he didn't seem ta realise he wasnt bein asked ta be fed on, but ta get Embraced. Athos frowney "I suspect pants were involved" I gave a huff and agreed that pants were involved awright. Then Athos asked "You mean....she didn't tell him? She swears he asked for it" I tell her that thats what he said, that he may have said yes, but it seemed he was a little hazy on what that meant, like tha eternity bit, and tha no more solid food bit, and tha sun. I asked her "ya see where im goin here?" Athos growled at tha room and nodded. I went on sayin "anyways, it seems his Sire is one of yers, 'Cinn from tha Coven', he said." Athos frowned some more "She's new to the whole thing herself, but.... there's no excuse. We know her as Lex" I just shook my head "cubs . . . Her Ladyship was . . .. cranky" Athos agreey "I'd be cranky to say the least if I thought one of mine had been changed without requesting it"

I told her that we'd see ta his trainin, and welfare, leaven it hangin fer a minute. Athos thought fer a moment and said “Omega is certainly the best as far as his new circumstances are concerned, if it were another time and if Tony.....well anyway. I did visit the library on Sunday with Lex as I heard you were looking for her, sadly no-one was present.” I told Athos that Her Ladyship would like ta meet with her, when it suits both their times. So I said to her “She aint tha vengeful type, fer . . .accidents . . .but i think ya'd agree, somethin needs be done . . .” Athos nodded again "I do indeed. This needs sorting. I will certainly talk to Lex about it and demand an explanation, also tell her that this isn't something I approve of at all. How do you think we can resolve this Grr?”

Well, I told her as best I could “err, im not rightly sure . . .
I said im usually in favour of a good beatin . . . .but, im not tha most civilized creatures on tha planet” Athos nodded some more "Can certainly punish her, but I suspect she hasn't been rightly taught herself.” I suggested that Her Ladyship was probably tha best trainer of JAFFY Fangers that we had ta hand and put it ta Athos that she could bring her one to us, “that’s probably tha best solution of all, Athos . . . She will make Her displeasure known, and at tha same time, spread tha learnin too . . .” Athos sighed and agreed "Unfortunately I'm not all that good at teaching people how to be vampires" I shrugged ta her, I don’t, neither. Athos thumped tha cushion she was on "some of them as we both know are stubborn as hell and don't share stuff." Fuckin KA backstabbin pus-suckers. I told her we know some of them awright, and laughed.

Athos said “I do hope that you will not hold the Coven personally responsible for this?” I shook my muzzle at her and said “and look, neither of us had ta threaten anybody, or tear arms and leg off or nothing. Naw, Athos, i know yer under a strain here, and crazy pups will always be crazy pups” Athos shrugs "I try my best, but I'm afraid with two of my elders kidnapped, perhaps I wasn't caring for the rest as well as I should have been" We had gotten reports of this, some one had snatched their movers and shakers. Athos smiled "Everyone is home safe and well" It all sounded too much like that what happened ta min the tha Zoo, when I first Changed, so I asked “tats terrific news I said err . . .was it tha Military?” Athos shook her head "business, wanted to use them as a power source. Oh well, it's all dealt with now” I made a face and said “thats good, ya sick a pox on their stock options?” Athos laughed "did some stuff with their employees"
I told her thats it was a start, but Athos grimaced "I'm sorry to say an end as well. I got my folks, but the company didn't get their folks back"

I could see tha strain on her now, clear as day. Pix was not tha kind of leader ta take life lightly, even fer her own people. Principled. That’s a rare thing, even more so in a place like Tox. I said “ahh, i see, heavy prices we paid, and . . .lives ... . even of those that wronged ya . .” Athos sighed "you know I'm not the agressive type. This time it sent out a message to those that wronged us though" I put up my guns a long time ago, I see where she is comin from, so I told her “I’m glad our two Families get along like we do.” Athos said “Well we used to, I hope this little, uh how can I phrase it, incident? won't stop that. I think I need to have a talk with my lot about agression and needless killing.” I laughed, telling her sometimes its all we can do.

Athos smiles warmly "you know I hope you and I will always get on" I said “can't see us not, Athos, all fer one” Athos said “and one for whiskey?” I sighed sadly and stared at my paws a minute before sayin “yah, one fer whiskey! shall we?” Athos said “Aw Grr, always one for all, you know that.” Athos stood up "I'm afraid that I should go find my vamp maker" but I was in my funk, and just looked up at Athos and said “i miss My-She still, Pix” My-She, Aramis ta my Porthos and her Athos. She asked gentle like as I stood and touched tha Ward on my way out " It's down Grr, you're safe. Any news on her?" and I told her what I knew “she aint comin back” as I padded away I heard Athos say “Take care out there”

I already have. Diplomacy. Keepin tha claret in tha bottle. I felt good about that, at least . . .

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