Monday, August 25, 2008

Fallin Feathers and burnin boats

well fer FUCKS SAKE.

as if my weekend wasn't fuckin BAD ENOUGH. Captain Featherpants blew up his Goddess damned air boat thingy. Scuttled it mid air. I was in my room when i heard tha fuckin blast. I was just layin there. still cant sleep. and tha fuckin unmistakable sound of multiple concussion airbursts above my head sent instinct and reflex inta high gear. I ran outside, lookin fer cover, in time ta see Denny's ship come down in a rain of shivered timbers and burnin plasma.

i hit tha water as tha last parts were splashin down and swam over to it. Saw Captain Featherpants himself, in the wreckage, swimmin ta shore. I helped pull his watter logged ass ta tha beach and started yellin at him what happened, who did it and was he awright.

Tha crazy bugger did it himself. Blew himself up with his boat. Woulda been poetic if it wasn't FUCKIN STUPID. He was ok. fer that i am really bloody grateful fer. That woulda been tha straw i fuckin tell ya.

Goddess! what is it WITH tha people i care about and gettin blown up, cursed on, stabbed in tha guts, kidnapped, lost in tha beyond, and generally disappearin.

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