Friday, August 8, 2008

Busy Times

Pencil notes dated 7/8/08
big news, and lots of it.
I got poisoned. food poisonin ya could call it. seems i came across some leftovers that didn't agree with me one bit. its been hard fer me ta talk about it, cause of what it brought back. gave me one nasty trip. i got flashbacks. three days of them. the worst three days of my fuckin life. again. Tha assault on Firebase 6. Timor. 15th June 2004 they came at is. Tha Indo's. Heavy assault. Sent their Feline commando's in. Artillery day and night. They had learned ta lace their shells with silver. Chopped my mated ta shit. We were cut off. They came at us from two sides, and breached our perimeter. So damn fast. They were just so fast. Fast and bloody. Three days of bombin and suicide runs and we got no support. Couldn't bring our guns ta bear fast enough ta defend. Eventually, we ran outta ammo. Then is was close quarters combat. Claw and fang . Our Fleshie support didn't make it much past tha second day. Third day. knee deep in tha mud, and blood and tears, i heard tha round that got me.

90mm shell. Landed pretty much at my feet as i was scroungin ammo off a dead Snarl. Blew me ta shit. Nearly blew me in two. Cost me tha freedom of Shiftin at tha expense of constant pain. I relived those three days. Knowin all along what was comin. Knowin i was still in Tox, but trapped in my own head. Waitin fer that sound. Seein Indo Felines in every shadow. Seein uniforms on my friends, knowin what was waitin fer them , or, at least, what was waitin fer tha uniforms. This is what i spent three days relivin. At least my marksmanship hasn't faltered. I was seein ghosts, and thats all i shot. by all accounts, not a single Tox resident caught any of my lead. and i melted out tha barrel of my P-90. Her Ladyship collected my M-4. Clever, but, i awready knew that.

They finally worked out what had happened, and by good bloody luck, someone knew a cure. Zion of tha Coven, in fact.

Other news.

Abby got outta Zion, and tha other way too. Seems Rago and Abby are actually pairin up, not just scrumpin. thats sweet, shes a good kid, fer what she is, a crazy mix of Fallen and Fleshie, with a now-Feather mum and a dead-possessed-void-lost-step-mum. i been tryin real hard ta keep her safe. Least i could do. Least i SHOULD do. I couldn't bring tha Huntress back, she was outta my reach, i guess.

She's back too, i hear. gonna make her a bot-bod. Metal-Huntress. Great, now she's gunna be rusty and cranky as all fuck.

Kishi tried ta make a pass. More tryin ta get me off kilter ta mess with my head. Shoulda seen Her Ladyship and Joah jump too. It does a critter plenty good ta be looked after. I swear, they think i'm a breakable poodle or somethin. Its embarassin, but at tha same time, i'd not give up that feelin of care fer tha world and all its steak. I been gettin close with Joah too. She's afraid of what she is. I need ta make her feel safe in that. Ta live afraid of yerself aint livin at all. Spirit-gal needs that, i think. Maybe i can show her. Maybe. I'd like that. i like her a lot.


Joah Menjou said...

So sweet....

Larissa said...

Oh yes :) Abby wants a Grrrr fan T-shirt!!!