Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nareth returns

Pencil entrty, dated 12/1/09
Tha Huntress returned! Well, no, not tha Huntress, that was clear from tha onset. This was Nareth, Childe of Omega, sacrificed in tha Pit to open a door to tha Godling, Labyrinth. Tha Huntress was a bold and fierce creature, without pity or mercy. Tha Nareth who returned from tha dead, from BEYOND death, was not tha same creature. Spirit Gal found her wanderin tha streets in tha snow, out by tha Hospital. I swore to Raven i would ensure Nareth made it over tha Wide River and found peace. But. She was beyond my reach, and i couldn't help her.

At first we thought it was a trick. Tha godling Labyrinth come back ta finish tha job. A ghost, a trick from hell. Wouldn't be tha first time. Then it dawned on me, that it looked the same, smelt tha same and 'felt' the same. She said that tha moment, back in summer when she had tha choice to go to tha Pit, die, and let Labyrinth into tha world, or not, "this" Nareth chose not to.

Some kind of time magic. Guess that kind of thing happens when ya deal with gods. I wonder when in my life i'd like a big reset button. Can't think of any in particular. Maybe runnin from tha 7RAR-L sooner, but maybe it all happens when its meant to. Maybe i make all tha right choices, when i make em. Fuckin unlikely. Too complex. I think i just don't notice.

She was back, but she didn't know when or where. Summer one minute, decided not to get ett at tha Pit, then she was back, in tha snow, weak and confused. Like tha rest of us. I knew. KNEW. That this wasn't tha Huntress no more. Same Fanger, same soul. Different spirit. This was tha Realmwalker, who chose not to be, rather than die and end her Hunt.

This was someone new. Old, still Her Ladyship's only Childe. Not tha Huntress. For Her Ladyship's sake, i'll see to her recovery. For Raven, i will make sure her soul finds peace. For myself? If she turns out to be Labyrinth, i take her fuckin head.

1 comment:

Joah Menjou said...

Joah sighs as her eyes drop to the book in her lap, hearing the faint piping of the pan flutes and remembering....

1 It was a woman who first discovered Eris. 2 Alone on an island, naked, she lifted her arms unceremoniously and began to dance. 3 Closing her eyes as she surrenders letting her body be her guide. 4 The spirals of her form and thought stirred the air about her. 5 The air tightened, attracting dark clouds from miles away, who in turn relayed the dance onto the seas. 6 Their symphony expanding, blanketing the islands with weather, reaching onto warships full of men. 7 Men who did not dance, but they did cry, and they did drown. 8 Eris saw all that passed and whispered, "Yesssss..."

The Holy Book of Poncho