Friday, January 16, 2009

the Fang that bites no more

Pencil entry 14/1/2009, faint blood smears

Right. Time for some geurilla tactics. I can rememeber Ardere tauntin me when i was broken in tha head. Suggestin ta have me put down, stirrin tha pot when i needed ta settle. She was doin it fer tha joy of seein me squirm and suffer. Wasn't much i could do, cause she was right on tha money. Her and Pontifex, they were close, i gathered, these days. I dont know where Angel Lady had gotten to, but it seemed Big Red prefered darker meat with a lighter skin, these days. Not that i give a damn, he made his choice, and lives as he likes, servin no one but himself, and free ta worship tha thing that was tha Godling, Nareth.

But i hear tell that Ardere had been tradin harsh language with Spirit Gal over havin me fer tea. and not tha Russian Caravan, white and one, Tim-Tam's and lammingtons tea. Grr-tarter, Grr-sushi. She wanted ta fuckin eat me. tha idea really bothers me. Kill me? well, i cant see why, but, hell, shes a demon, who can say. Torture me? well, again, demon, its what they do, no reason i expect, other than i was broken, and she liked seein me suffer. Eat me? fuck that right off. i'm an apex predator. no one eats me! (well, not like that, anyways.)

As it happened, i came inta tha Library and caught Pontifex, and Spirit Gal, castin a bindin ritual on her, somethin about bindin her to his will. Right in tha fuckin Library. Made me mad ta see, but Featherpants waved me down. The did it. With wheelin circles of lights and swirlin stars. Durrin it all, Spirit Gal yanked out Ardere's last fang, just sorta reached in and plucked it, it was broken, i guess thats part of it, how to bind a demon, take its fangs. Or something. I found out later that Omega had taken the other one, yonks ago, and had given to Nareth. Turns out she still has it too.

Later on, a few days later, i chucked both Pontifex and Ardere outta tha Library, cause he was disciplinin her there, ta appologise fer beein a sandy vagina to Kit-sis, and to Spirit Gal. Discipline looked ta turn to torture, and me and tha Library got jack of it. Pontifex has been spoutin a lot of jibberish, and i wouldn't be surprised if hes got a few roo's loose in tha top paddock too, lots of that goin around. i dont judge him fer that, and frankly, it didnt bother me none that he was bendin tha bones of Ardere, but it bothered tha Library, and Nareth, and she was right, he didn't have tha fuckin right to be doin that, there. Lots of skanky dark holes fer that kind of behaviour.

Then, when i was doin a set at Haven, Ardere was there, workin tha pole, and i had a bunch of tha Institute lettin their hair down, i got an idea, and asked Spirit Gal if she still had tha tooth, she did, and she gave it to me. Once together, always together. So I got to work, and set about a Workin, ta give myself a bit of an edge on Ardere. Tha Rite of tha Ashen Tongue. Any time she lays paws on me, she tastes ashes. See how fond of eatin me she'll be once i set that up.

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