Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Disciplinin tha Alchemist

Pencil note, dated 17/1/2009
We had just been dealin with one of Featherpants' meltdowns, and low and behold, tha Shadow-Wives were in attendance. In fact, we had a whole gaggle of Shadows come callin. Spirit Gal had been talkin to Featherpants before he blew and and stomped off yellin somethin like ""Fuck This Institute and fuck Toxian City, I think I'll tender my resignation to Omega next time she is here". Not happy, but, thats been tha way of things for a while. Since he went ta Hell ta fetch back Blue-Wife. Bad trade if ya ask me, but, love is a funny thing, it seems. I'd have gone into it, or looked after him, but we had a situation brewing, more like about to boil over, that i needed to see to.

Blue-Wife snaps aloud "quit that, I will sting you in the ass... I am warning you" I look over and see Blake, standin about like a lump, grinnin. Blue-Shadow reacts, and tells Spirit Gal she's goin ta back up her sister-wife. Blake is oblivious to tha trouble "oh lookie here imma shadow . . ." Blue-Wife frowns, then grins wide and asked "hows the skin rot?" Spirit Gal leans up against me and groans. Blake got the Shadow-Wives in a foul mood, and they cursed him with some kinda flesh eatin bug, gave him a right cankerous wound. We sorted it, tricky in a Fanger, but he just dont learn. "oh much better, i thought it was sexy how you spit in the wound" great, just what we need.

I saw Blue-Wife flick her tail out, lashin at him trying to jab him in the ass, he just chuckled "hey hey heeyyy now" So i get involved tellin him "Blake, dont antagonise our guests, or you'll be in tha same shit yer always fallin in" Tha Shadow, Mei pipes in askin Spirit Gal "isn't your lot supposed to be non-violent? And non-irritating?" Don't know where she got that idea. With all tha crap goin on in tha city, we've stepped up our security, and close quarters battle trainin, and its been one of our long standin operatin procedures to NOT be irritatin. Better intel gathered that way. Blue-Shadow steps up to Blake and talks to her wife. "How about we deal with him easily?"

Blake tries to squirm his way outta it nowm he sees tha trap hes stumbled towards "im just joking...i know who not to provoke.." Bollocks he does. Tha drongo couldn't negotiate his way outta a wet paper bag with both hands. Blue-Wife ain't mollified none "he's too dumb to be taught... just like a retarted puppy... all you can do is drown it in the bathtub" Blue-Shadow follows up with "make him drown himself its easy" What did tha dumb as say to that? Did he back off, shug it off no, more fuel to the fire. "i love it when you talk dirty, not that i need to breathe.."

Now Shadow Kytara decided to get involved "Hey Blue, is that dinner?" she smirked as she headed out. Blue Shadow was firin on all four cylinders by now, "Fill your body with cement so you can't ever come up you can just rot under the ocean" Doesnt sound like a fun plan ta me, but Blake just goads them along "give yall something to do huh?" Spirit Gal sighed heavy like and took my paw in her hand. "How are you, beloved?" She looked up at Double Dee and smiled. Blue-Wife shrugged "I already cursed his skin to rot off once... didn't seem to detur him. I don't actually mind... he's just another loudmouth like the rest of this city. No manners, no brains, no balls"

Figured i needed to call fer some order, so i told them "Shadows, behave, we'll look to ours, awright? Blake, shut the FUCK up" as he was comin out with "ya'll seem to have the balls" he grabbed at his crotch lookin between her legs

Kytara hadn't left after all, "Aww, that's a shame. Probably doesn't taste very good then." She chuckled as she heard me startin ta give Blake a dressin down. HE just wandered up to the window and looked out. Blue-Wife smirked and shook her head "like I said... retarted puppy", "Needs a brain transplant" said her Sister-Wife. He must have been feelin lyrical, casue he just started philosophisin "this city is humourless wonder everyones so bitter..." grins, and walks off. Right into my trap.

"Blake, you start this kind of shit with them every time you cross their path. do you require me ta get tha chain of command involved? you will NOT keep provoking tha Shadows, as a member of tha Institute, do ya understand?" he gives me a "yes Praetor" as Blue-Wife calls back at me "should have let me leave the curse on" but i'm startin ta see red at his lack of sense. "you grinnin at me, boy? or do ya think ya'll enjoy what tha "or else" is? Spirit Gal and Double Dee ar etalkin, but stop about then. a still settled on tha Library.looks down momentarily. Blake looked at tha floor.

Blue-Wife looked at her sister-wife and fretted a tad "lets go hmmm? this place has too many memories" she nodded and said "I need to sleep" but i was on Blake like a pup on a bone. "because this is exactly tha kind of fucked up shit that tha other Factions spend their whole fuckin lives wadin through, and we got plenty better things ta do than puttin out tha fires that tha people who are meant ta be workin, but aint, are lightin in tha magazine, Do. You. Understand. Me?" i can smell blood as Blake bit his own tongue, eyes still to the floor, frownin. "and if ya intend to stay in tha Institute then you will put this shit behind you. Am. I. Understood?" He mumbled "i understand Praetor"

I kept on it, because lettin a bloodied deer go aint right. Finish tha job. "because as Coyote is my witness, if -i- can, after all tha fucked up shit that i have gone through with tha House of Fuckin Shadows, then you can pull yer fuckin head in, and toe tha line. Do we have an understandin?" He said we did, so i decided it was done "Good, dismissed. get out of my sight, and do somethin useful for Her ladyship." He scuttled off. Tha Shadow females had all pissed off too, leavin just me, Spirit Gal, and Double Dee. Spirit Gal wandered over and stroked my arm soothin me. Double Dee winked. I relaxed some, and unlocked my posture. I bleew a raspberry, with if ya never seen or heard is somethin else, from a Shifter in War-Form.

Spirit Gal smiled "One should never think that you are tame, Beloved. It would be a serious mistake." Aint that tha truth. I gave her a big, sloppy kiss, makin Double Dee squirm and blush in shock, and head out for a run, to go stomp some snow. Dickhead.

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