Sunday, April 12, 2009

A letter from Libertie Shieldmaiden: patriot

I received this message from a member, one of my Faction, it seems, who felt strongly about my, and Omega's being permanently banned from the Toxian City Sim, and fired from our various jobs and responsibilities in Toxian City. She's what we would call a fringe member, we don't have any control over what they do or say, but . . .all the same, it was lovely to hear someone sticking up for US . . .

Something very important has happened.

Your leader and her 2IC have been exiled. Their crime?

Defending you.

Do not beleive the lies you have been told. Omega and GrrBrool are not dead. They have merely been exiled from Toxian City because it became evident they cared more about their people, you, than the sim owner found pleasing.

The sim owners have arbitarily put in place a new leader, one they beleive will look after their interests - not yours.

Omega has been told if she says anything to you, even so much as a "Goodbye" she will face a DCS-wide ban. I must therefore speak in her stead, having nothing to lose.

Omega and GrrBrool have been dismissed without reason, without explanation, without any sembalance of justice, logic or reason. They have been put on an estate ban - a permanant ban normally reserved for serious griefers and others who pose a clear and present danger to the sim.

Why have they been dealt with so harshly? Without explanation, without reason?

Because they were sticking up for you.

Day after day, players who break the mold in some way - an innovative background, an unusual avatar, a new plot line... these players are put on trial.

Omega and GrrBrool attempted to be voices of reason, counselling to allow creativity, innovation and freedom - within the sim's established rules. They spoke out against arbitary rulings based on subjective opinion. They pleaded for the "unwritten" rules to be clarified, for a clear and transparent set of rules for the players to follow, for an end to the inconsistent application of rules recorded and unrecorded.

They pleaded for things to be fair.

The sim owners have been more-or-less absent for some time. The caretakers they left in their stead have decided to interpret the rules their own way - often to the detriment of players. The sim owners are fed a version of reality that suits the caretaker's views.

The caretaker has seen an opportunity to get rid of these dissident voices once and for all - and has taken it.

So your leaders are gone. Because they stood up and defended you.

What to do?

You could drop notecards on the sim owners letting them know your displeasure. To do so would almost certianly earn you a ban.

All you can really do is vote with your time. Choose how to spend your RP time, under whose rule, under what rules.

Let others know, whenever you get the opportunity, why you have chosen to spend your time where you do.

If you do spend any time in toxia, remember:

Renting land anywhere but Toxia is grounds for banning.
Helping out or GMing anywhere but Toxia is grounds for banning.
Reminding the sim owners of something they said or did is grounds for banning.
Creating a character that does not fit the mold, is not easy to understand, is grounds for banning, even if that character does not seem to break the rules of the sim.
The grounds for banning change all the time and are rarely explained.

Now it's up to you - will you support what has been done or not?

Toxia is a small RP sim, not one of the most popular for a long time now. There are other options. Do your research and make your choice - and when you do, we'll be waiting.

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