Was it tha right thing ta do? hell yes. Will it cause lastin ongoin problems? Probably. Do i think it'll have turned my kind against me? yup. DO i think it'll help keep all tha walkin peoples safer? Hell yes. Am i gunna pay? Who's ta fuckin say i ain't awready.
So here's tha deal. Bunch of my kin blew up tha Blood Fountain. Tha feedin spot fer all tha Fangers of Toxia. Tha thing that let them not have ta feed on People. It was tha common most decent thing in this fuckin town. I dont know who made it, or where it all came from, only that tha blood in it didn't come from huntin. It wasn't taken by force. It was a gift. And it got taken away by force.
Blown up. Commando style. Precision smash and burn op. I came inta Tox from tha mainland as tha ash was settlin. Literally. Saw tha carnage, heard tha word on tha street and fuckin scooted. Missed tha hunt, tha riot, tha retribution and saved my tail. They crucified Quillis.
It was not a good time ta be a Shifter, i'm tellin ya. Over the weeks and moons that followed, i saw tha Fangers starvin and now and then randomly attackin folks ta feed. Not crippled. Not destroyed. Not driven to their knees, driven to tha throats of tha rest of us. Nice one, dumb-asses.
Long time and still nothin like tha effect they may have wanted. just another fuckin shameless act of destruction by my kin. No wonder we're thought of as savages. We are. Cause we do shit like this and think we're fighting tha good fight. Just like i used ta in Timor. Just like we're always done. I've blown up houses, I've blown up wells. Hell i've poisoned wells and seeded fields with mines. I know what it is ta stick it ta yer enemies. Tha Kindred of Tox ain't my enemy. I may not like em. They might be tha same as their kind all over tha fuckin world.
That ain't my problem. i came here ta get away fer this kinda shit. Word came ta us at tha Institute that someone had worked out how ta fix it. That tha Factions were lookin fer tha Bloodstone. Some sorta artifact. Key ta tha whole damn thing. Of course it came ta us. Its what we do. Once we got it? well, we worked out how it worked and how ta use it.
I negotiated with the Scholars in tha KA, its kinda what i do now. Her Ladyship and tha Head Fangers of tha KA were talking. Things were underway. I even helped write tha Ritual ta turn it all back on. Ta give them back their feed trough. Ta ease their sufferin. Ta do my part ta make up fer what my Kin did. Maybe ta show them that we can do more than destroy . Maybe. Kinda. Sorta.

I stood there, speakin fer tha Institute, speakin as a Shifter . Speakin as somebody who's destroyed sacred things and now wants ta make it right. I heard tha callin, and did my part. I also heard tha voices callen out durin tha ritual, callin out what we was doin was al wrong, that we were givin back tha KA tha means ta enslave tha city. Bollocks ta that. I was givin something back. They can't see past their noses if they think tht all it took was helpin rebuild tha Fanger Feedin Trough was all they needed.

As if havin a hunt free food supply was all that was keepin em tough and on tha streets. As if. So even though i thought it all through, even though i tried ta think of all tha tactical consequences, i still worry. Were they right? did i just open tha door ta tha monsters? Am i just as bad as tha ones that blew tha damn thing up? Maybe.

But ya know tha kicker? ya know tha thing that has kept me awake fer three days since? That fuckin dried up, pus suckin puppy kickin, goat fuckin, pork eatin, motherless scum slag skank bush pig slapper backstabber Spirit tha Fanger Matriarch fuckin put a CURSE on Her Ladyship. Right after we finished layin out tha buffett fer em. Got tha stupid fuckin Bloodstone and kept it safe, got it to em, i fuckin WROTE and all but RAN their Goddess damned Ritual ta switch tha damn thing on, and WHAT?
She stabbed Her in tha back with a kiss of doom. Makes me want ta end every last fuckin last one of them. Ash and sackcloth. Except fer one.
Now look at what they did. As if i couldn't sink any lower inta tha morass. Im a fuckin hypocrite too.
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