Pencil entry dated 21/7/08 very messy, several of the ends of paragraphs trail off as if falling asleep whilst writing
I was already riled from dealin with Abi, Her Ladyship was busy pickin up tha slack on tha paper, and we had had a full load paws on deck. Poncho had already wandered off, but Denny was still in, Merma, Joah and me. Nicholette had dropped in to, but to my delight, My-She came slinking in. I can't say how good that made me feel. I didn't think i'd be seein her in Tox any time soon. Don't know what brought her, but I was bloody grateful either way. Tha ground is softer under my paws when she is near.
Seems she's been feelin Joah's crazy too. She went straight up ta Joah and looked her over. Commented on "her new jewelry", the blade. That’s My-She. Insight. They dodged and prodded fer a bit until My-She relented and told Joah just to go get changed. Seems she had it in hsr head she was gunna take tha ferry ta tha mainland. She asked a good question, somethin we'd missed. Why. Why Joah had been cuttin on herself. We shoulda asked. Joah just evaded tha question when she got asked. This frustration eventually got tha better of My-She, she left again. In a Fury. Told Joah to ask if she finally decided ta get help. Out she went sayin again, she was of no furthur use.
I just slumped. Busy day fer a critter like me. No monsters to fight, fires ta put out, but just lots of brain sweat. I didn't notice what went on between Joah and Merma, all I saw was the blade coming away. Tha smell of Feather blood risin. I moved. I may have said somethin witty. Point is I clobbered Joah with a tackle and pinned her to tha floor. Her Ladyship was right behind me. Joah was flat out buggy. Missin a few sheep from tha top paddock. She was fightin me, that’s normal, I’d have expected that from anybody, but she said somethin as she was spittin and mouthin off.
She called me 'dog'. Now, I been called a lot of things by a lot of folks but Joah hadn't been one ta call names. Yeah I had just tackled her and Her Ladyship was gunna take her relic away. That bugged me though, made me think. So I said back ta her "bastard, dog, mutt, beast, animal, lycan yeah maybe, but I’m yer friend." she just spat some more. Her Ladyship just spoke once more, to me this time. She knew she didn't have ta explain and knew Joah wouldn't get it till it was too late. "cable-ties".
Now, if ya never have tha misfortune ta get propez cable-tied in yer life, good reader, count yer self lucky. It sucks. Here's tha deal. Take three heavy grade cable-ties, the ones that tha flat is finger-wide. Zip-ties tha septics call them I think. Anyway, ya first cuff tha wrists, flat. Then tha forearms just above tha elbows. Third one goes up and down through those two and through tha prisoner's belt. By lockin tha joints they can’t bring leverage ta bear. Do it right and ya can cut tha strength of a full grown combat primed lycan down to a 14 year old Fleshie. Same fer most Fangers. As long as they can’t burn, melt or cut them, it'll hold a demon too. Not long, but long enough.
Tie them tight and ya cut circulation. Do it right and ya can start takin fingers without them even feelin it. If they struggle ya can yank tha ties a click er two and show yer displeasure. If yer a right bastard ya can throw one wrist ta throat too. Do all that behind tha back and you got one helpless POW. Joah wasn't a POW though. She was my friend who was hurtin herself. Wrist, elbows and belt before she barely knew I was up ta somethin. That’s tha key, loose, cable-ties can get snapped, they're just dense nylon. Tough as fuckin nails, but just nylon.
Barely before, I said. She shoved with her mind, me bein a lot bigger and trained at doin this kinda thing, so like a good soldier, she fought with what she had. Our Joah is a Weaver. She blinded me with a will. Like a punch inside my head. I rolled off against tha wall next to tha fireplace ta get outta tha way. Typical Fleshie mistake. Important as it is, I don't need sight as much as tha rest of ya. Fuckin inconvenience. Long term it'd be tha end of me fer sure. But I had a mission. I sniffed. I listined. I waited as Her Ladyship read tha Riot Act ta her. Then she wailed.
I was already reelin from tha blindin but this was like a grenade in my head. I been conditioned fer modern combat. Full auto and barrage artillery. But there are things I can't handle. And a banshee's cry is one. I just yelped and fled, blind as far as I could. Made it to tha far wall, smashed through two book stands and a lamp ta get there, fuck, it hurt, awready blinded and now near ta deaf too. It was a bloody relief when Her Ladyship slapped her one and told her to look at me. She called me Her coyote. Things like that make it all better, ya know? i was cared fer, part of somethin. Some folks will go on and on about how they're loners, they don't need nothin, no-one. Well, when yer blind and half deaf hearin that someone is lookin out fer ya is all tha proof in tha world ya need folks.
Back ta Joah. See, even like that, i knew she needed me more than i needed helpin. I worked my way along tha wall over tha broken stuff and sat down in tha corner of the fireplace, ready ta jump if needs be. i had a pretty good idea where she was from tha sounds. From tha scents. at this range, i could get her again, no worries. I am used ta blind-fightin. I usually expect ta SEE again after though. Anyway, i dont need ta. Her Ladyship talked her down, kinda. With some harsh words and some gentle prodding, eventually i got my sight back. Eventually. With Merma there, i sat with Joah fer a while, made sure she weren't hurtin from the cable-ties. Not hurtin, but not gettin free anytime neither. I do my job well, thats all. I ain't one fer torturin my friends and Family, never have been. Trick was ta keep her safe and secure till we could sort out what ta do.
But tha strain eventually got ta me, killer headache, but Merma was there. So, after i made sure Joah wasn't too bad-off, gave Poncho an update as he wandered in, and buggered off. At least i left Joah safe and secure, where she's be looked after, and protected, not out on the streets, wild and gettin up ta Goddess knows what with that fuckin knife. I think tha knife is still connected with Nareth. Made Joah talk like her, makes her cut in things, like Nareth used ta. I hope i can use it ta track her. Bring her back from tha beyond. She's out there, lost, alone. Our Huntress, Her Ladyships Childer. i need ta find her for Her.
Its what i do.
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