Pencil note, dated 31/10/2008
New Moon, Old faces
I was in tha Library, and in walked Quillis. Quillis tha Elder, Quillis former Pack Omega, Pack Beta, Pack Alpha. Walked right in and cuddled up with Del tha Demon. Just cuddled right up.
Turns out that Del and Quillis have known each other fer a long time. a LOOOONG time. Like, thousands of years long. Yep, thats right. Quillis my Kin is four and a fuckin half MILLENIA old.
Now, where's tha problem ya ask. Well. none, really. Except this. How long am i gunna live? Are all Lycan's born equal? Tha files i read on me from tha Army were sayin that they thought Lycans lived about tha same as Fleshies. they been wrong about other stuff to, but hen again, they were RIGHT about a lot as well. How long did tha Goddess give ta Lycans, if we didnt get killed by each other, or by Fleshies in huntin parties, or tha pther beasties that roamed tha world.
Quillis and Del were chattin about tha "old days" before iron and steel, when Fleshie huntin was with wood and bone, stone and bronze. Was she just lucky? Was it cause her sire's sire was tha Great Wolf? Did tha Goddess gift her line with long life because of their glorious start?
Her Ladyship is old too, real old, i dont know exactly how old, but i got a good idea. Was that older than Quillis and Del, older than Featherpants or tha Maker? i dont know. I know a lot of real old beings. Not many young ones. Strong Gal, Cookie, tha Little One (she's a special case though) and maybe Rago.
I been an adult fer 13 years, but was only born three years befor that. I dont got a lot of years under my belt, just a lot of campaigns. Guess that makes me old. Seasoned. I guess. Thirteen years of soldierin. Lot of lives taken, lot of souls sent over tha Wide River, rent, shot, burnt, blown up. Lot of debt. Well. Maybe i dont get that thousands of years life time that Quillis got.
maybe i do.
Coyote said "done" and its done. I'd like ta curl up with my loved ones in tha way distant future, when AC we in tha history books, and lay by tha holo-fire with Spirit Gal, and look up at Her Ladyship, and remember back ta when we all lived in Tox, and wasn't is so bloody dirty and crude. I just dont know. My littermates are all dead of old age already, but i was tha only Shifter in tha litter.
We'll see.
I dont mind bein tha youngest. its hard ta weigh up against tha Ancients i run with at times, though. tha only major world events i been at, have been in Tox, or are classified, and "never happened" cause, they're attrocities.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
New Moon
a pencil entry, in a much neater hand, dated 29/10/2008
New moon, old faces
Three or four days a moon, when Luna hides her face, I get stuck in Fleshie. Every moon. It amazes me how few people notice, and get surprised when they see me, or, don’t see me, as tha case may be. They see tha monkey part of me, tha part I got from my sire. My dam was wild-born four legged, she was with-pup when they brought her to tha Melbourne zoo from tha deserts in America-land. Luna’s joke is how tha men in tha white coats with tha nets and tranq gun and army boots knew which one of my litter was tha Shifter. One night when tha moon rose, and hid her face, and ta-da I wake up cold and sore, on tha hard lumpy ground, and my littermates backing away growlin and whinin. There was me, all Fleshie and stumbling like a new-foaled-deer.
Then came tha bright lights, tha men with tha darts, tha nets. Then came wakin up in another pen, with tha biggest, meanest wolf I’d ever seen. Then came tha trainin. Talkin. Army indoctrination. Military trainin. Hand ta Hand, Claw ta Hand, knives, swords, all kinds of small guns ta big guns. Grenades, and launchers. Drivin. Artillery. Chemical weapons. Torture. Infiltration, sabotage and trackin. All tha great things that Humans have brought inta tha world ta take other Humans outta it. Humans and tha rest of us. Detailed files on tha habits, weaknesses and traits of tha other things that go bump in tha night. How ta kill, capture or evade. All because tha moon shunted me inta Fleshie one night in tha zoo.
And people wonder why I don’t like it. As if that wasn’t bad enough, after that fuckin goddess forsaken siege in Timor when I got blown ta shit but that 90mm, and tha vets put me back tagether, tha shrapnel they left behind would tear me up inside whenever I Changed. Whether I did tha Change myself or Luna did it fer me, that left over metal would shred meat as I Changed. For three years, every moon, every Change. Takes a lot ta scar a Shifter, and I got a lot of scarrin from that shell. Not all of it was to meat, neither, some of it was ta grey matter.
So between tha fear of that remembered monthly agony, and tha fact that Tox aint a safe place, I stick in my War-Form as much as I can. Things are better in my War-Form. I’m warm, got fur, claws, fangs, my ears swivel good, I can SMELL stuff. Tha up sides of bein Fleshie are pretty few. I can see in colour. That’s cool. I get a lot more female attention, and I can’t say that’s not good, neither, and if I was on tha mainland, maybe I’d be happier in it more often. Tha biggest upside? Her Ladyship prefers tha way I look like this. I like ta make her happy. Feels good. Even brings a smile ta Spirit Gals face, too, even though she kinda likes my War Form better, I think.
Its Luna's gag, ta force me ta learn ta accept my Fleshie side, i guess, ta better fit in with tha Fleshie world, seein as i walk half and half. Great. Thanks a lot, Luna. Three or four days, and im Fleshie, three or four days I really gotta watch my tail.
Or . . .not, as tha case may be.
a pencil entry, in a much neater hand, dated 29/10/2008
New moon, old faces
Three or four days a moon, when Luna hides her face, I get stuck in Fleshie. Every moon. It amazes me how few people notice, and get surprised when they see me, or, don’t see me, as tha case may be. They see tha monkey part of me, tha part I got from my sire. My dam was wild-born four legged, she was with-pup when they brought her to tha Melbourne zoo from tha deserts in America-land. Luna’s joke is how tha men in tha white coats with tha nets and tranq gun and army boots knew which one of my litter was tha Shifter. One night when tha moon rose, and hid her face, and ta-da I wake up cold and sore, on tha hard lumpy ground, and my littermates backing away growlin and whinin. There was me, all Fleshie and stumbling like a new-foaled-deer.
Then came tha bright lights, tha men with tha darts, tha nets. Then came wakin up in another pen, with tha biggest, meanest wolf I’d ever seen. Then came tha trainin. Talkin. Army indoctrination. Military trainin. Hand ta Hand, Claw ta Hand, knives, swords, all kinds of small guns ta big guns. Grenades, and launchers. Drivin. Artillery. Chemical weapons. Torture. Infiltration, sabotage and trackin. All tha great things that Humans have brought inta tha world ta take other Humans outta it. Humans and tha rest of us. Detailed files on tha habits, weaknesses and traits of tha other things that go bump in tha night. How ta kill, capture or evade. All because tha moon shunted me inta Fleshie one night in tha zoo.
And people wonder why I don’t like it. As if that wasn’t bad enough, after that fuckin goddess forsaken siege in Timor when I got blown ta shit but that 90mm, and tha vets put me back tagether, tha shrapnel they left behind would tear me up inside whenever I Changed. Whether I did tha Change myself or Luna did it fer me, that left over metal would shred meat as I Changed. For three years, every moon, every Change. Takes a lot ta scar a Shifter, and I got a lot of scarrin from that shell. Not all of it was to meat, neither, some of it was ta grey matter.
So between tha fear of that remembered monthly agony, and tha fact that Tox aint a safe place, I stick in my War-Form as much as I can. Things are better in my War-Form. I’m warm, got fur, claws, fangs, my ears swivel good, I can SMELL stuff. Tha up sides of bein Fleshie are pretty few. I can see in colour. That’s cool. I get a lot more female attention, and I can’t say that’s not good, neither, and if I was on tha mainland, maybe I’d be happier in it more often. Tha biggest upside? Her Ladyship prefers tha way I look like this. I like ta make her happy. Feels good. Even brings a smile ta Spirit Gals face, too, even though she kinda likes my War Form better, I think.
Its Luna's gag, ta force me ta learn ta accept my Fleshie side, i guess, ta better fit in with tha Fleshie world, seein as i walk half and half. Great. Thanks a lot, Luna. Three or four days, and im Fleshie, three or four days I really gotta watch my tail.
Or . . .not, as tha case may be.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Lexicon of Grr-isms
this is a living document i and others are keeping to translate some of the strange linguistic twists Grr uses when speaking.feel free to add comments, or IM me other things Grr says that you think should be added. Some of it is natural for me, others i specifically add to be bizarre and very ocker Aussie.
this is a living document i and others are keeping to translate some of the strange linguistic twists Grr uses when speaking.feel free to add comments, or IM me other things Grr says that you think should be added. Some of it is natural for me, others i specifically add to be bizarre and very ocker Aussie.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tha Dance
Pencil note, hastily jotted, as if on the move, dated 22/10/2008
come dance by the fire,
come dance by the sea,
come dance for our loved ones,
come, dance beside me.
Pencil note, hastily jotted, as if on the move, dated 22/10/2008
come dance by the fire,
come dance by the sea,
come dance for our loved ones,
come, dance beside me.
Spirit Gal, Maker, Cookie, Messenger. who we are, what we are
scratchy pencil note, dated 20/10/2008
I came in on a conversation in tha Library. Spirit Gal was givin tha Maker a dressin down. "She was in a horrible accident . . . age 9. Who knows what it did ta her mind. She was a lab rat, Severus. In a coma fer years . . . her father managed ta save her life, rebuild her body . . . but was captured. She's got the mind of a child, in a woman's bod. And an innocent tomboy at that. She doesn't even know what sex is. No sex drive really. She just glares at tha Maker.
He just glower and muttered "i didnt do anythin to her. i'll stay away from her as well if thats what you're afraid of" he was pissed, as usual.
Spirit Gal is matchin him but. "No. That's exactly what I don't want you to do. As your Praetor, you *will* excercise control around her. Not only that . . . you *will* be her friend. Watch over her. And protect her. Am I clear?"
Tha Maker had one of his faces on, all clenched pearly whites and lightning eyes "of course i will...but i will NOT be subjected to being forced into some rediculous 'friendship'...she dosnt need something like me around and is better off without". That's when I padded back in, payin my respects to tha Library. I had beat a retreat ta lick my wounds and get some food. Frish supplies were thin on tha ground at tha Diner, so I made do with Chum and kibble. No heart fer more excitin grub.
Spirit Gal is still strikin when tha target is painted "Obligations to fulfill.
You have a duty to this Institute, Severus." he comes back "yes and its not to play nursemaid to some overgrown kindergartener" but she wont have a bar of it. "You *will* be her friend. If she wants to color . . . or make paper airplanes or skip rope, I expect you to do so." I ask if they talkin about Strong Gal, but tha Maker answers indirectly. "i dont care to do such things...she can do them well enough on her own or with someone ...better suited...like brit or some such" Del had made a comment about Tha Maker but Spirit Gal came ta his back with "Surely someone with Severus' vast experience can perofrm such a simple task, Del. After all, at one time . . . he had a family of his own." I did tha maths. Adult Fleshie who had a pups brain, not Strong Gal "ahh, FiFi . . ." Spirit Gal nodded to me, got it. Tha Maker flinched slighly he got slapped before fixin Spirit Gal with a scathin glare "my child, never made it ta his first year, i am not suited ta this..."
Dev turned ta Spirit Gal "but are you a fiendish being yourself? id like to think you are not Joah..." she answered him "ya have no idea, Del." then turned again ta Tha Maker "Then you'll get some practice, won't you?"
After getting my crazy vision from Coyote, and a lesson I fell I gotta try a different tactic on tha Maker. "we all learn ta be new things, Maker, each in our own way." Del has a go too, poor bastard must not know how much a hard ass tha Maker can be "Joah.. . perhaps i could help him in that concern" she just tilted her head considerin Del fer a moment. "Perhaps . . . but for now, Severus should be handle one young woman alone, I think." then, almost as if ta make a point, she put one hand on his arm. "I'm sure you'll do your best."
Big move from Spirit Gal, I guess Lornes gift does work "Maker, ya keep tellin us yer not appreciated, i think this is somethin that would be appreciated." he just gritted his teeth, a muscle goin mental and he made fists gougin himself. I could smell tha blood before I saw it. "i dont want nor need practice, i'd rather remain alone and tending to the cotracts which are STILL in place, or shall i simply take the punishment for those as well" he growled and jerked his bleedin arm away from Spirit Gal. She don't get cowed though "We will see to those contracts, Severus. Your preferences aside . . . surely this is, as you say, a minor thing . . . like drying my clothes . . . no contract needed. And from this point forward, it is your job. Your . . . responsibility.”
Tha Makers' eyes kinda glowed fer a minute then he actually agreed “very well then...as you wish, but i wouldn't expect too much” Tha Messenger and me just watched em fer a bit. “I expect that she will become the young woman she is meant to be under your tutelege.”
Spirit Gal stepped back, smilin. "As I said, I'm sure you'll do your best." THa Maker aint happy at all, not that he ever is, but this seems ta tick him off a fair bit. More than mopin. “some how...i think not” he mutterd darkly My turn. “we can only expect anyone ta try and if i'm not wrong, she will come ta like ya fer who ya are, Maker, not what ya are. tha two are NOT tha same. Look at me fer instance. Tha gap between who i am and what i am can be pretty wide at times, all ya need do is look at my Kin on the street ta see that. there's a reason i came to tha Institute, and left tha Den, Maker, just like you left tha Pit and came to tha Library. yer an incubus. we all know that. and we know ya suffer what ya are harsh like. its plain and evident ta all of us. we KNOW you know.” Tha Maker made a face at me. “then you know im unsuited for this task” but I had more ta say before I took his line.
I'm a Lycan, big surprise. and ya know what that means? i'm a killer. i devourer of flesh. a baby eater. i am tha thing that made tha first Men build fires in tha night. i'm tha monster that walks in their shape until tha time of tha Hunt is on. I'm a Dog of War. taken and MADE inta a weapon, beyond even my nature. i'm a tool. i'm tha blade on tha end of tha pole that others use ta bring down tha food-beast. there's not a race in Toxia that i haven't killed and feasted on, with my Pack, with tha Snarl's. I've eaten my own kind. i've put whole provinces ta tha claw. and you look at me and tell me that that is WHO i am. it is what i am. that and more. i'm a shaman, i'm tha Guide of tha Dead. I'm tha Trickster Teacher. Tha Crop Dancer, Tha Corn Bringer and tha giver of tha Last Smile. I caught Spirit Gal lookin at me, I guess some of this was fer her too. I cuts me up inside when I see tha way she looks at me when she realizes what I am, time ta time, tha far-away look, tha fear, shame. I don't know what more ta expect though. Its what I am.
Cookie came squeekin in, she got sneakers too big, baggy clothes on, fer a fella bigger than she is. She's also got stuff on her face. Lika someone's drawn Fleshie face fur on her. She's been cryin too. She dragged her bag behind her and let it thump on tha stairs behind her. Spirit Gal waved her over and I just pointed at her with a claw. “if i were only what i am. THAT would have never made it onto tha steps outta tha flood, except under my nails and stuck in my back teeth” i shut up fer a sec, calmin myself, and looked right at Cookie, tryin ta catch her eye and show her I weren't mad at her. "but that's not how we met, was it Fi?" she looked up at me and tried ta give a smile but couldn't. "Nuus... Grr was nice to Fifi... took care of her burns.." something was off with her, but I was too pissed at tha Maker, to pissed at Spirit Gal, and I needed ta get it out.
Tha Maker shruged slightly “ya are still half human and even an animal is equipped with tha instinctual knowledge of how ta take care of its own young...i was never given such...i wasn't even meant to have young as you well know...and especially not now...who in their right mind would give a child over to something like me” Spirit Gal smiles at me, maybe she finally got it, maybe, I sure hope so. I want so bad ta walk by her side. On tha Path. Then she turned ta Cookie. "Yes, Fifi. . . I want to introduce you to someone. You got off to a rather bad start, but he's had a . . . . change of heart. Fifi . . . meet Severus. He*wants* to be your friend. He'll show you the ropes. Watch out for you. And teach you *everything* you need to know. He can hardly wait to begin.”
Cookie slowly looked around as like Spirit Gal was gunna introduce her ta someone else. Her eyes go wide when tha penny drops. She dropped her bag ta tha ground completely and squeeks "REALLY! " lookin up at Tha Maker with glowin excited eyes. She didn't even seem ta care about tha look in his. She started clappin as she bounced up and down in her baggy hoody." yay!"
I talked over Cookie ta Tha Maker, tryin ta get my point across ta his thick horny head "yer a Fallen. ya got all eternity ta lean how. and see, thing is? we trust ya. because of WHO, ya are, not WHAT ya are. Thats what bein part of this IS. Grow, Maker, grow beyond what ya were given"
Tha Maker's large clawed fists clenched so tight his hefty arms bulged and he started leakin more blood from his hands. That's one pissed off incubus. But he agreed. "Perhaps, Severus, Fifi would enjoy a picnic? Ya could take her by the shore and explain ta her tha benefits and dangers of tha Toxian sea?" Spirit Gal turned her head slightly along with me as we heard tha Messenger speak.
Cookie's smile faded as she saw the Makers blood on tha ground. She crouched down near her bag and dug through it. Chuckin random stuff out of it till she got to a bandanna. Goin back over ta him she held it out."you.. hurt yourself.... " blinks looking up at him and then the others lookin lost. I didn't have tha heart ta say why. He glared down at joah, then flicks his gaze over ta Cookie ignorin tha bandanna, then back to Spirit Gal and me "if i didnt think you despised me before...my doubts have been erased, you'd best hope she can keep up."
I watched them go and Spirit Gal sighed. Tha new guy looked thoughtful fer a minute then quoted "When to eat draws near, truth is not truth. A boundary mark of the world of fire is noticed." I wondered what he was talkin about I was thinkin about tha Maker's last stab. "if this is me dispisin, i wonder what he thought it'd be like if i really hated him?" that’s when tha Messenger hit tha deck.
Tha Spirit Gal got there first, runnin over to kneel by Faye on the floor and took her hand. tha Messenger's voice cracked, whispering, "I'm.. scared..." Spirit Gal glanced over ta me, then back to Faye and I was there. We , workig in synergy with her, a synergy obvious to practiced eyes "What happened?" she asks her. I chip in "and yer safe, Messenger. protected by walls of stone and spirit and flesh and fur" tha Messenger is shakin, but doin a bit better "Ah.. so many.. voices I can't make out.. so much.. movement.. like static.. its all around.". Spirit Gal offers AC some answes. "She means something is coming, the devourer. The boundaries preventing it . . . will not hold." Spirit Gal leans over to stroke him. "take care of Faye'Li"
tha Messenger blinked a few times, somewhat regaining her senses from her dreamlike state, "I..I'm sorry.. she says softly." I give AC a bit more intel, "tha Messenger is a Seer . . .thats why i call her that. She brings Messages from Raven . . .." she rubbed her cheek where she'd hit the floor and I helped AC move her to tha couch as she smiles looking down a little embarassed, "Not da most graceful messenger.." she says softly.
, "Merci. I'm sorry.." she bit her lip lookin emrarassed. AC reached out ta comfort her as I said "there ya go, couch time fer little Fleshie people..."
Tha Messenger glanced up at AC and smiled shyly. I like tha way they get on. Good fer tha Family. "You have a gift. No need to be embarrassed. Without you the message would go undelivered."
I wonder where Captain Featherpants has gotten to?
scratchy pencil note, dated 20/10/2008
I came in on a conversation in tha Library. Spirit Gal was givin tha Maker a dressin down. "She was in a horrible accident . . . age 9. Who knows what it did ta her mind. She was a lab rat, Severus. In a coma fer years . . . her father managed ta save her life, rebuild her body . . . but was captured. She's got the mind of a child, in a woman's bod. And an innocent tomboy at that. She doesn't even know what sex is. No sex drive really. She just glares at tha Maker.
He just glower and muttered "i didnt do anythin to her. i'll stay away from her as well if thats what you're afraid of" he was pissed, as usual.
Spirit Gal is matchin him but. "No. That's exactly what I don't want you to do. As your Praetor, you *will* excercise control around her. Not only that . . . you *will* be her friend. Watch over her. And protect her. Am I clear?"
Tha Maker had one of his faces on, all clenched pearly whites and lightning eyes "of course i will...but i will NOT be subjected to being forced into some rediculous 'friendship'...she dosnt need something like me around and is better off without". That's when I padded back in, payin my respects to tha Library. I had beat a retreat ta lick my wounds and get some food. Frish supplies were thin on tha ground at tha Diner, so I made do with Chum and kibble. No heart fer more excitin grub.
Spirit Gal is still strikin when tha target is painted "Obligations to fulfill.
You have a duty to this Institute, Severus." he comes back "yes and its not to play nursemaid to some overgrown kindergartener" but she wont have a bar of it. "You *will* be her friend. If she wants to color . . . or make paper airplanes or skip rope, I expect you to do so." I ask if they talkin about Strong Gal, but tha Maker answers indirectly. "i dont care to do such things...she can do them well enough on her own or with someone ...better suited...like brit or some such" Del had made a comment about Tha Maker but Spirit Gal came ta his back with "Surely someone with Severus' vast experience can perofrm such a simple task, Del. After all, at one time . . . he had a family of his own." I did tha maths. Adult Fleshie who had a pups brain, not Strong Gal "ahh, FiFi . . ." Spirit Gal nodded to me, got it. Tha Maker flinched slighly he got slapped before fixin Spirit Gal with a scathin glare "my child, never made it ta his first year, i am not suited ta this..."
Dev turned ta Spirit Gal "but are you a fiendish being yourself? id like to think you are not Joah..." she answered him "ya have no idea, Del." then turned again ta Tha Maker "Then you'll get some practice, won't you?"
After getting my crazy vision from Coyote, and a lesson I fell I gotta try a different tactic on tha Maker. "we all learn ta be new things, Maker, each in our own way." Del has a go too, poor bastard must not know how much a hard ass tha Maker can be "Joah.. . perhaps i could help him in that concern" she just tilted her head considerin Del fer a moment. "Perhaps . . . but for now, Severus should be handle one young woman alone, I think." then, almost as if ta make a point, she put one hand on his arm. "I'm sure you'll do your best."
Big move from Spirit Gal, I guess Lornes gift does work "Maker, ya keep tellin us yer not appreciated, i think this is somethin that would be appreciated." he just gritted his teeth, a muscle goin mental and he made fists gougin himself. I could smell tha blood before I saw it. "i dont want nor need practice, i'd rather remain alone and tending to the cotracts which are STILL in place, or shall i simply take the punishment for those as well" he growled and jerked his bleedin arm away from Spirit Gal. She don't get cowed though "We will see to those contracts, Severus. Your preferences aside . . . surely this is, as you say, a minor thing . . . like drying my clothes . . . no contract needed. And from this point forward, it is your job. Your . . . responsibility.”
Tha Makers' eyes kinda glowed fer a minute then he actually agreed “very well then...as you wish, but i wouldn't expect too much” Tha Messenger and me just watched em fer a bit. “I expect that she will become the young woman she is meant to be under your tutelege.”
Spirit Gal stepped back, smilin. "As I said, I'm sure you'll do your best." THa Maker aint happy at all, not that he ever is, but this seems ta tick him off a fair bit. More than mopin. “some how...i think not” he mutterd darkly My turn. “we can only expect anyone ta try and if i'm not wrong, she will come ta like ya fer who ya are, Maker, not what ya are. tha two are NOT tha same. Look at me fer instance. Tha gap between who i am and what i am can be pretty wide at times, all ya need do is look at my Kin on the street ta see that. there's a reason i came to tha Institute, and left tha Den, Maker, just like you left tha Pit and came to tha Library. yer an incubus. we all know that. and we know ya suffer what ya are harsh like. its plain and evident ta all of us. we KNOW you know.” Tha Maker made a face at me. “then you know im unsuited for this task” but I had more ta say before I took his line.
I'm a Lycan, big surprise. and ya know what that means? i'm a killer. i devourer of flesh. a baby eater. i am tha thing that made tha first Men build fires in tha night. i'm tha monster that walks in their shape until tha time of tha Hunt is on. I'm a Dog of War. taken and MADE inta a weapon, beyond even my nature. i'm a tool. i'm tha blade on tha end of tha pole that others use ta bring down tha food-beast. there's not a race in Toxia that i haven't killed and feasted on, with my Pack, with tha Snarl's. I've eaten my own kind. i've put whole provinces ta tha claw. and you look at me and tell me that that is WHO i am. it is what i am. that and more. i'm a shaman, i'm tha Guide of tha Dead. I'm tha Trickster Teacher. Tha Crop Dancer, Tha Corn Bringer and tha giver of tha Last Smile. I caught Spirit Gal lookin at me, I guess some of this was fer her too. I cuts me up inside when I see tha way she looks at me when she realizes what I am, time ta time, tha far-away look, tha fear, shame. I don't know what more ta expect though. Its what I am.
Cookie came squeekin in, she got sneakers too big, baggy clothes on, fer a fella bigger than she is. She's also got stuff on her face. Lika someone's drawn Fleshie face fur on her. She's been cryin too. She dragged her bag behind her and let it thump on tha stairs behind her. Spirit Gal waved her over and I just pointed at her with a claw. “if i were only what i am. THAT would have never made it onto tha steps outta tha flood, except under my nails and stuck in my back teeth” i shut up fer a sec, calmin myself, and looked right at Cookie, tryin ta catch her eye and show her I weren't mad at her. "but that's not how we met, was it Fi?" she looked up at me and tried ta give a smile but couldn't. "Nuus... Grr was nice to Fifi... took care of her burns.." something was off with her, but I was too pissed at tha Maker, to pissed at Spirit Gal, and I needed ta get it out.
Tha Maker shruged slightly “ya are still half human and even an animal is equipped with tha instinctual knowledge of how ta take care of its own young...i was never given such...i wasn't even meant to have young as you well know...and especially not now...who in their right mind would give a child over to something like me” Spirit Gal smiles at me, maybe she finally got it, maybe, I sure hope so. I want so bad ta walk by her side. On tha Path. Then she turned ta Cookie. "Yes, Fifi. . . I want to introduce you to someone. You got off to a rather bad start, but he's had a . . . . change of heart. Fifi . . . meet Severus. He*wants* to be your friend. He'll show you the ropes. Watch out for you. And teach you *everything* you need to know. He can hardly wait to begin.”
Cookie slowly looked around as like Spirit Gal was gunna introduce her ta someone else. Her eyes go wide when tha penny drops. She dropped her bag ta tha ground completely and squeeks "REALLY! " lookin up at Tha Maker with glowin excited eyes. She didn't even seem ta care about tha look in his. She started clappin as she bounced up and down in her baggy hoody." yay!"
I talked over Cookie ta Tha Maker, tryin ta get my point across ta his thick horny head "yer a Fallen. ya got all eternity ta lean how. and see, thing is? we trust ya. because of WHO, ya are, not WHAT ya are. Thats what bein part of this IS. Grow, Maker, grow beyond what ya were given"
Tha Maker's large clawed fists clenched so tight his hefty arms bulged and he started leakin more blood from his hands. That's one pissed off incubus. But he agreed. "Perhaps, Severus, Fifi would enjoy a picnic? Ya could take her by the shore and explain ta her tha benefits and dangers of tha Toxian sea?" Spirit Gal turned her head slightly along with me as we heard tha Messenger speak.
Cookie's smile faded as she saw the Makers blood on tha ground. She crouched down near her bag and dug through it. Chuckin random stuff out of it till she got to a bandanna. Goin back over ta him she held it out."you.. hurt yourself.... " blinks looking up at him and then the others lookin lost. I didn't have tha heart ta say why. He glared down at joah, then flicks his gaze over ta Cookie ignorin tha bandanna, then back to Spirit Gal and me "if i didnt think you despised me before...my doubts have been erased, you'd best hope she can keep up."
I watched them go and Spirit Gal sighed. Tha new guy looked thoughtful fer a minute then quoted "When to eat draws near, truth is not truth. A boundary mark of the world of fire is noticed." I wondered what he was talkin about I was thinkin about tha Maker's last stab. "if this is me dispisin, i wonder what he thought it'd be like if i really hated him?" that’s when tha Messenger hit tha deck.
Tha Spirit Gal got there first, runnin over to kneel by Faye on the floor and took her hand. tha Messenger's voice cracked, whispering, "I'm.. scared..." Spirit Gal glanced over ta me, then back to Faye and I was there. We , workig in synergy with her, a synergy obvious to practiced eyes "What happened?" she asks her. I chip in "and yer safe, Messenger. protected by walls of stone and spirit and flesh and fur" tha Messenger is shakin, but doin a bit better "Ah.. so many.. voices I can't make out.. so much.. movement.. like static.. its all around.". Spirit Gal offers AC some answes. "She means something is coming, the devourer. The boundaries preventing it . . . will not hold." Spirit Gal leans over to stroke him. "take care of Faye'Li"
tha Messenger blinked a few times, somewhat regaining her senses from her dreamlike state, "I..I'm sorry.. she says softly." I give AC a bit more intel, "tha Messenger is a Seer . . .thats why i call her that. She brings Messages from Raven . . .." she rubbed her cheek where she'd hit the floor and I helped AC move her to tha couch as she smiles looking down a little embarassed, "Not da most graceful messenger.." she says softly.
, "Merci. I'm sorry.." she bit her lip lookin emrarassed. AC reached out ta comfort her as I said "there ya go, couch time fer little Fleshie people..."
Tha Messenger glanced up at AC and smiled shyly. I like tha way they get on. Good fer tha Family. "You have a gift. No need to be embarrassed. Without you the message would go undelivered."
I wonder where Captain Featherpants has gotten to?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Song fer tha future
two verses torn from an album cover, and stuck in the journal with glue
Its no secret were close
As sweaty velcro
Like latex, fur and feathers
Stuck together
Her and me an her and she and me
An uncrowded couple are we three
Hey we dont care what people say
When walking hand in hand down kings highway
Two for one today
two verses torn from an album cover, and stuck in the journal with glue
Its no secret were close
As sweaty velcro
Like latex, fur and feathers
Stuck together
Her and me an her and she and me
An uncrowded couple are we three
Hey we dont care what people say
When walking hand in hand down kings highway
Two for one today
Song fer tha present
album cover, torn, and stuck in the journal with tape
On a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
In a dusty black coat with
a red right hand
He'll wrap you in his arms,
tell you that you've been a good boy
He'll rekindle all the dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy
He'll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
Hey buddy, you know you're
never ever coming back
He's a god, he's a man,
he's a ghost, he's a guru
They're whispering his name
through this disappearing land
But hidden in his coat
is a red right hand
album cover, torn, and stuck in the journal with tape
On a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
In a dusty black coat with
a red right hand
He'll wrap you in his arms,
tell you that you've been a good boy
He'll rekindle all the dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy
He'll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
Hey buddy, you know you're
never ever coming back
He's a god, he's a man,
he's a ghost, he's a guru
They're whispering his name
through this disappearing land
But hidden in his coat
is a red right hand
Song fer tha past
album cover torn out and pasted into the the journal
I felt the power
Of death over life
I orphaned his children
I widowed his wife
I begged their forgiveness
I wish I was dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
Early one morning
With time to kill
I see the gallows
Up on a hill
And out in the distance
A trick of the brain
I see a lone rider
Crossing the plain
And he'd come to fetch me
To see what they'd done
And we'd ride together
To kingdom come
I prayed for god's mercy
For soon I'd be dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
album cover torn out and pasted into the the journal
I felt the power
Of death over life
I orphaned his children
I widowed his wife
I begged their forgiveness
I wish I was dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
Early one morning
With time to kill
I see the gallows
Up on a hill
And out in the distance
A trick of the brain
I see a lone rider
Crossing the plain
And he'd come to fetch me
To see what they'd done
And we'd ride together
To kingdom come
I prayed for god's mercy
For soon I'd be dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Fear and loathing in TC
pencil entry, extra messy, obviously stopping and starting several times, dated 15/10/2008
I had a visit from Coyote. Tha bastard. Actually, I went ta visit Him, but when Coyote calls, well. . . I got a talkin to, about tha nature of things. About tha Maker. Then I got dumped back at tha Library, tha room spinnin, me clutchin tha floor so I didn't fly off and a splittin headache. Later on when I had slept it off some, I tried ta explain to Her Ladyship, Spirit Gal, Star and Bright Gal.
About Coyote, well, i was rantin ta Tha Maker i was rantin about good and evil, and light and dark, chaos and order, and how Coyote is balance. and doesnt CARE about any of that, Coyote only cares about . . .well . . Coyote and i kinda got inta my deal . . .and before i knew it YOINK! im in tha Flux Realm and tha big C is at tha wheel, bottle of tequila in one paw, and a cheeseburger in tha other.
Spirit Gal frowned a bit at Star as he belched fire. "What is the Flux Realm, Grr?” I stoped and waggled a claw at Star for fallin inta tha flood water "fire demons and water are bad, mate err, Flux? thats . . .well, its tha place where all tha Other meets, Coyote's Home." Spirit Gal looked thoughtfully at me fer a moment. "Have you . . . seen . . . Coyote?" its kinda an odd question. So many Fleshies, post-Fleshies and ex-Fleshies, they cut themselves off from the Other, they are surrounded by it, and Them, but they refuse ta see them in eversday life. "its . . .err, not good fer tha brain of someone not . . .err . . .already kinda . . .off so, tha big C was drivin tha Caddy, tequilla in one Paw, cheeseburger in tha other, and he turns ta me and fixes me with a look, right? and then he looks in tha back seet, and i look too and there in tha back, who ya think i saw? "Spirit Gal shook her head. "Who?"
"Tha Lightbringer, big as shit, fancy suit, Raybans, smokin a cigar and gettin blown, so i looked back at Coyote, and he takes a swig, hands me tha bottle and nods to tha other side, behind me and whatcha think i did then?" Spirit Gal kept listenin, her face got kinda clouded with puzzlement. "Drank with them?” so I went on. "well, i took a swig, cause ya should never EVER refuse a gift from Coyote and i turned aroud to pass on tha bottle. 'cause ya never welch on a offer from Coyote with greed" At that her eyes went wide. ”You offered a drink to the Beautiful Liar?” I just shook my head. "nope, to tha guy behind ME, tha Lightbringer was sittin behind Coyote" Star looked up from his belly button gazin, or swhatever demons do if they don’t got a belly button "okay .. so WHO was behind you?" Spirit Gal piped up too "Yes, Grr . . . who was behind you?"
I nodded, fer them a much as fer me "tha One. Stuffy looking fella, fussin over a map, wore tweed and a tie and was lookin at a itinerary." Spirit Gal waited and listened and Star looked at her "and they say Alfred Hitchkock was a tease" She frowned at Star again, I think she was as baffled as me who Alfred Hitchcock is. She turns in her chair to face me. "I offered him tha bottle, and tha Lightbringer snatched it sayin "he dont LIKE ta have fun . . ." Star groaned and rolled eyes. "i looked back to Coyote, who shrugged then we hit a tree and i got dumped back here. fuckin Coyote. it was about tha Maker.
Spirit Gal spoke up "I . . . I don't understand, Grr. Severus was sitting behind you?" its confusin fer me and I was there. I know I don't talk good, and I gotta say, bein yanked by Coyote , then dumped back just as, well, drunkenly didn't help none. "no. tha One was. its tha Three"
Spirit Gal got it then, I think. "The One? . . . Oh. The One. But . . .Severus doesn't serve the One." I nodded, she went on "And even the One . . . can be tender and passionate . . . can create with a breath and a word . . . And the Lightbringer? Oh . . I'm sorry. Go ahead.." I nodded again, its hard ta get it all straight, thing with tha One is, its His way, or tha highway. "well . ..thats true but Its all about order, and doin things tha RIGHT way, Proper like, It prefers Order, ta growth, two by two, Spirit gal, two by two, anyway. destruction, corruption, breakin things down again. which is where tha Maker is stuck. its not his true Nature, hes trapped"
I could see she was getting it "Oh . . you mean . . . his nature is . . . order, creation . . . But because he serves the Beautiful Liar . . . his will is bent to destruction." She got it! Bright Gal came in, and got right inta it. "Speaking about Sev?" Spirit Gal smiled at Bright Gal lookin at her with great fondness and nodded. She drops into a chair, her usually immaculate outfit soakin wet. Star got a look of understanding dawnin on his face as things fell inta place.
"com'in sit, Bright Gal, i met yer Boss. . .. kinda. essentially, tha Maker has gotten snatched by tha LightBringer, whos a greedy fuck." Bright Gal closed her eyes, her clothes, her skin omitting gentle waves of steam and leans back as I kept talkin "and tha One, well, is too tied up in tha PLAN ta stop ta taste tha good things in life." I looked over at tha Bright Gal and nodded as she steamed dry "see, i gotta SHAKE fer that . . ." she grined at that as Spirit Gal had a thought. "He . . . is too wounded . . . I think." I wondered who she meant this time "tha One? just looks too wound up ta me" but she didn't let me hang "No, Grr. Severus.."
"ahh, yeah see, HES tha tequila and tha lesson? there's aways a lesson . .." but tha Spirit Gal frowned, "Sometimes there's no lesson. It's just a pointless exercise . . . in futility.” Even this was a lesson but. And I think I got it. "don't be fuckin around with tha bottle in tha backseat if yer fuckin meant ta be drivin! Coyote's always got a lesson. tha bottle didnt get a say where it went, Spirit Gal, its just doin tha rounds" she lookea at me, not frowning or laughing, that old familiar closed off expression crossin her face. "Sev . . is . . . the bottle.So . . . there is no choice. Then it's pointless to try to help him. To help anyone." Star grined at Star Gal "unles you get the bottle" Bright Gal breathed in. "It is not pointless to help him help himself" This is where I sorta need ta think more about how I do what’s best fer Tha Maker "nah, it aint that, not at all this was about Severous, this wasn't a vague, sweepin message, i got YANKED"
Spirit Gal was pissed now "He can't, if he's a bottle. He's only there to be used up.Then tossed out on the side of the road." i needed ta let her know, this wasn't a message of no hope, it was a message ta know tha difference between what can be and what we can do ourselves "aha, see, wait, ya've missed somethin, tha bottle came from Coyote, Spirit Gal. he didn't pass tha cheeseburger. Tequila has sacred meaning. there's ALWAYS more" Spirit Gal snapped "And what is that, Grr?" How do i get it across "trick is, ta get tha Lightbringer ta either pass it on, or forget about it he wanted it cause i was tryin ta give it ta tha One, dontcah see?"
"What I see . . . is a beautiful, cruel, joyless being . . .Who can have anything he wants.At any time. And it never fills So he'll never let go. And as for Severus . . . I don't think he wants to be free." I gotta agree with that, but there is more to it "he dont get ta keep it ferever, Spirit Gal" Tha LightBringer. Coyote might be a bastard, but he means well. Well, he don't mean harm, at least. "No . . . he prefers smashing the bottle . . . if he can't keep it. drinks like ta get drunk, bottles like ta be filled and emtied, and filled, its what bottles do, tha Three, they dont think of us as them, we're just things, most of tha time, if tha Lightbringer had chucked tha bottle overtha side, ya can betcha ass that Coyote woulda just pulled tha same bottle outta his side-door or tha One mighta been sittin in a crate of em, carefully meeterin them out, makin sure it was properly recycled. its a system. they got a system Spirit Gal all this, this . .. it all works cause of that"
Bright Gal sighs leaning forward and opens her eyes, clearing her throat, blinking. "He is punished and he takes it. However he can. There is word about chaos, word about order. You would think the demons represent chaos. Severus is an example of hell's cruelest order." We all sat fer a bit, then Spirit Gal spoke up "Perhaps," she says. "I read one of their Books." she begins to quote, 'How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! ' They do not sound like bureaucrats, to me." Star's voice drones 'its a cycle chaos to order, back to chaos to make order again'
"Creator, Shaper, Culler: Flux, Pattern, Entropy: Change, Order, Decay : i didnt get any ANSWERS, Spirit Gal Coyote dont give ANSWERS he gives paths and questions insight but not understandin" At least i got Spirit Gals focus back "Apparently none of them do. Or at the very least, they answer the questions you should be asking but don't." Bright Gal added, with her crossed fingers and eyes closed again. "There is but one thing Joah. You can always pray" I nodded, and added with a grin "or kick tha shit outta Severous untill he listens ta reason, or BOTH but, that's too easy"
Star drones on, i guess he's bored with all this, demons get that way "if i understand corretly, they gide you, they don't give you answers" Spirit Gal agreed with him " Well . . . in the book, the One says: Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength." just time time for Bright Gal ta open her eyes as Tha Maker appeared. "aha! SUMMONED! SIMAP" i love it when that happens! It interrupted Spirit Gal "So . . . perhaps they'd be willing to . . ." He just stood there glowerin as i beamed at my own cleverness.
"we were just discussin my revelation . . ." that got him worried, he asked what it was, as Spirit Gal teased him a bit, askin of his ears were burnin. "i'm gunna be a prophet. this can be my compound. i want beef jerky and . .. no, wait . . ." tha Maker slowly arched a brow, that way he does “shall i get the jim jones kool aid ready?” as Bright Gal gave me a tug on tha ear fer cheek, at least Spirit Gal cracked a half smile. "ya wondered what happened earlier, Maker? with tha flash out, and tha flash in and tha holdin onta tha floor like it was tha wall?" Bright Gal leant back and closed her eyes again. "You should call him Bringer... rather than Maker, no?" Severus nodded slowly "...quite..." but that aint right "no, Bright Gal, Severous is tha Maker, ta me, not tha Bringer, i give credit where credit is due. i don't lie in my Naming"
Spirit Gal looks up at him "Yes . . . though he disavows that aspect of himself . . . he is the Maker." Bright Gal takes her turn ta look him over. I know he hates it, now i know why. "Are you?" she asked. He just snorted derisively... "maker of trifling things..." he shrugged his shoulders slightly "...apparently...its the only thing i'm good for anymore" This is what i need tha change with him. He needs ta appreciate what he IS, what he can DO "ya KNOW ya have more value than ya offer value ta . . ." Bright Gal is upset "How can you loathe creation so?" But i know, now "cause, Bright Gal, he's not in a position ta be able to do anythin else"
She nodded ta me "Apparently he is also able to loathe" He shrugged again "...i see little about me that there isnt to loath" I just nodded ta Bright Gal and looked ta tha Maker "i saw, mate, i saw i understand now, i think"
Thanks Coyote.
next time, send a note.
pencil entry, extra messy, obviously stopping and starting several times, dated 15/10/2008
I had a visit from Coyote. Tha bastard. Actually, I went ta visit Him, but when Coyote calls, well. . . I got a talkin to, about tha nature of things. About tha Maker. Then I got dumped back at tha Library, tha room spinnin, me clutchin tha floor so I didn't fly off and a splittin headache. Later on when I had slept it off some, I tried ta explain to Her Ladyship, Spirit Gal, Star and Bright Gal.
About Coyote, well, i was rantin ta Tha Maker i was rantin about good and evil, and light and dark, chaos and order, and how Coyote is balance. and doesnt CARE about any of that, Coyote only cares about . . .well . . Coyote and i kinda got inta my deal . . .and before i knew it YOINK! im in tha Flux Realm and tha big C is at tha wheel, bottle of tequila in one paw, and a cheeseburger in tha other.
Spirit Gal frowned a bit at Star as he belched fire. "What is the Flux Realm, Grr?” I stoped and waggled a claw at Star for fallin inta tha flood water "fire demons and water are bad, mate err, Flux? thats . . .well, its tha place where all tha Other meets, Coyote's Home." Spirit Gal looked thoughtfully at me fer a moment. "Have you . . . seen . . . Coyote?" its kinda an odd question. So many Fleshies, post-Fleshies and ex-Fleshies, they cut themselves off from the Other, they are surrounded by it, and Them, but they refuse ta see them in eversday life. "its . . .err, not good fer tha brain of someone not . . .err . . .already kinda . . .off so, tha big C was drivin tha Caddy, tequilla in one Paw, cheeseburger in tha other, and he turns ta me and fixes me with a look, right? and then he looks in tha back seet, and i look too and there in tha back, who ya think i saw? "Spirit Gal shook her head. "Who?"
"Tha Lightbringer, big as shit, fancy suit, Raybans, smokin a cigar and gettin blown, so i looked back at Coyote, and he takes a swig, hands me tha bottle and nods to tha other side, behind me and whatcha think i did then?" Spirit Gal kept listenin, her face got kinda clouded with puzzlement. "Drank with them?” so I went on. "well, i took a swig, cause ya should never EVER refuse a gift from Coyote and i turned aroud to pass on tha bottle. 'cause ya never welch on a offer from Coyote with greed" At that her eyes went wide. ”You offered a drink to the Beautiful Liar?” I just shook my head. "nope, to tha guy behind ME, tha Lightbringer was sittin behind Coyote" Star looked up from his belly button gazin, or swhatever demons do if they don’t got a belly button "okay .. so WHO was behind you?" Spirit Gal piped up too "Yes, Grr . . . who was behind you?"
I nodded, fer them a much as fer me "tha One. Stuffy looking fella, fussin over a map, wore tweed and a tie and was lookin at a itinerary." Spirit Gal waited and listened and Star looked at her "and they say Alfred Hitchkock was a tease" She frowned at Star again, I think she was as baffled as me who Alfred Hitchcock is. She turns in her chair to face me. "I offered him tha bottle, and tha Lightbringer snatched it sayin "he dont LIKE ta have fun . . ." Star groaned and rolled eyes. "i looked back to Coyote, who shrugged then we hit a tree and i got dumped back here. fuckin Coyote. it was about tha Maker.
Spirit Gal spoke up "I . . . I don't understand, Grr. Severus was sitting behind you?" its confusin fer me and I was there. I know I don't talk good, and I gotta say, bein yanked by Coyote , then dumped back just as, well, drunkenly didn't help none. "no. tha One was. its tha Three"
Spirit Gal got it then, I think. "The One? . . . Oh. The One. But . . .Severus doesn't serve the One." I nodded, she went on "And even the One . . . can be tender and passionate . . . can create with a breath and a word . . . And the Lightbringer? Oh . . I'm sorry. Go ahead.." I nodded again, its hard ta get it all straight, thing with tha One is, its His way, or tha highway. "well . ..thats true but Its all about order, and doin things tha RIGHT way, Proper like, It prefers Order, ta growth, two by two, Spirit gal, two by two, anyway. destruction, corruption, breakin things down again. which is where tha Maker is stuck. its not his true Nature, hes trapped"
I could see she was getting it "Oh . . you mean . . . his nature is . . . order, creation . . . But because he serves the Beautiful Liar . . . his will is bent to destruction." She got it! Bright Gal came in, and got right inta it. "Speaking about Sev?" Spirit Gal smiled at Bright Gal lookin at her with great fondness and nodded. She drops into a chair, her usually immaculate outfit soakin wet. Star got a look of understanding dawnin on his face as things fell inta place.
"com'in sit, Bright Gal, i met yer Boss. . .. kinda. essentially, tha Maker has gotten snatched by tha LightBringer, whos a greedy fuck." Bright Gal closed her eyes, her clothes, her skin omitting gentle waves of steam and leans back as I kept talkin "and tha One, well, is too tied up in tha PLAN ta stop ta taste tha good things in life." I looked over at tha Bright Gal and nodded as she steamed dry "see, i gotta SHAKE fer that . . ." she grined at that as Spirit Gal had a thought. "He . . . is too wounded . . . I think." I wondered who she meant this time "tha One? just looks too wound up ta me" but she didn't let me hang "No, Grr. Severus.."
"ahh, yeah see, HES tha tequila and tha lesson? there's aways a lesson . .." but tha Spirit Gal frowned, "Sometimes there's no lesson. It's just a pointless exercise . . . in futility.” Even this was a lesson but. And I think I got it. "don't be fuckin around with tha bottle in tha backseat if yer fuckin meant ta be drivin! Coyote's always got a lesson. tha bottle didnt get a say where it went, Spirit Gal, its just doin tha rounds" she lookea at me, not frowning or laughing, that old familiar closed off expression crossin her face. "Sev . . is . . . the bottle.So . . . there is no choice. Then it's pointless to try to help him. To help anyone." Star grined at Star Gal "unles you get the bottle" Bright Gal breathed in. "It is not pointless to help him help himself" This is where I sorta need ta think more about how I do what’s best fer Tha Maker "nah, it aint that, not at all this was about Severous, this wasn't a vague, sweepin message, i got YANKED"
Spirit Gal was pissed now "He can't, if he's a bottle. He's only there to be used up.Then tossed out on the side of the road." i needed ta let her know, this wasn't a message of no hope, it was a message ta know tha difference between what can be and what we can do ourselves "aha, see, wait, ya've missed somethin, tha bottle came from Coyote, Spirit Gal. he didn't pass tha cheeseburger. Tequila has sacred meaning. there's ALWAYS more" Spirit Gal snapped "And what is that, Grr?" How do i get it across "trick is, ta get tha Lightbringer ta either pass it on, or forget about it he wanted it cause i was tryin ta give it ta tha One, dontcah see?"
"What I see . . . is a beautiful, cruel, joyless being . . .Who can have anything he wants.At any time. And it never fills So he'll never let go. And as for Severus . . . I don't think he wants to be free." I gotta agree with that, but there is more to it "he dont get ta keep it ferever, Spirit Gal" Tha LightBringer. Coyote might be a bastard, but he means well. Well, he don't mean harm, at least. "No . . . he prefers smashing the bottle . . . if he can't keep it. drinks like ta get drunk, bottles like ta be filled and emtied, and filled, its what bottles do, tha Three, they dont think of us as them, we're just things, most of tha time, if tha Lightbringer had chucked tha bottle overtha side, ya can betcha ass that Coyote woulda just pulled tha same bottle outta his side-door or tha One mighta been sittin in a crate of em, carefully meeterin them out, makin sure it was properly recycled. its a system. they got a system Spirit Gal all this, this . .. it all works cause of that"
Bright Gal sighs leaning forward and opens her eyes, clearing her throat, blinking. "He is punished and he takes it. However he can. There is word about chaos, word about order. You would think the demons represent chaos. Severus is an example of hell's cruelest order." We all sat fer a bit, then Spirit Gal spoke up "Perhaps," she says. "I read one of their Books." she begins to quote, 'How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! ' They do not sound like bureaucrats, to me." Star's voice drones 'its a cycle chaos to order, back to chaos to make order again'
"Creator, Shaper, Culler: Flux, Pattern, Entropy: Change, Order, Decay : i didnt get any ANSWERS, Spirit Gal Coyote dont give ANSWERS he gives paths and questions insight but not understandin" At least i got Spirit Gals focus back "Apparently none of them do. Or at the very least, they answer the questions you should be asking but don't." Bright Gal added, with her crossed fingers and eyes closed again. "There is but one thing Joah. You can always pray" I nodded, and added with a grin "or kick tha shit outta Severous untill he listens ta reason, or BOTH but, that's too easy"
Star drones on, i guess he's bored with all this, demons get that way "if i understand corretly, they gide you, they don't give you answers" Spirit Gal agreed with him " Well . . . in the book, the One says: Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength." just time time for Bright Gal ta open her eyes as Tha Maker appeared. "aha! SUMMONED! SIMAP" i love it when that happens! It interrupted Spirit Gal "So . . . perhaps they'd be willing to . . ." He just stood there glowerin as i beamed at my own cleverness.
"we were just discussin my revelation . . ." that got him worried, he asked what it was, as Spirit Gal teased him a bit, askin of his ears were burnin. "i'm gunna be a prophet. this can be my compound. i want beef jerky and . .. no, wait . . ." tha Maker slowly arched a brow, that way he does “shall i get the jim jones kool aid ready?” as Bright Gal gave me a tug on tha ear fer cheek, at least Spirit Gal cracked a half smile. "ya wondered what happened earlier, Maker? with tha flash out, and tha flash in and tha holdin onta tha floor like it was tha wall?" Bright Gal leant back and closed her eyes again. "You should call him Bringer... rather than Maker, no?" Severus nodded slowly "...quite..." but that aint right "no, Bright Gal, Severous is tha Maker, ta me, not tha Bringer, i give credit where credit is due. i don't lie in my Naming"
Spirit Gal looks up at him "Yes . . . though he disavows that aspect of himself . . . he is the Maker." Bright Gal takes her turn ta look him over. I know he hates it, now i know why. "Are you?" she asked. He just snorted derisively... "maker of trifling things..." he shrugged his shoulders slightly "...apparently...its the only thing i'm good for anymore" This is what i need tha change with him. He needs ta appreciate what he IS, what he can DO "ya KNOW ya have more value than ya offer value ta . . ." Bright Gal is upset "How can you loathe creation so?" But i know, now "cause, Bright Gal, he's not in a position ta be able to do anythin else"
She nodded ta me "Apparently he is also able to loathe" He shrugged again "...i see little about me that there isnt to loath" I just nodded ta Bright Gal and looked ta tha Maker "i saw, mate, i saw i understand now, i think"
Thanks Coyote.
next time, send a note.
Spirit Gal,
The Lady,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bonny Omega Institute Boat Bruce
Pencil entry on soggy paper, dated 13/10/08
Tha rain keeps comin, just like last year. Its spilled up tha streets and washed through tha city. Tha tides are up, and tha beach was lost days ago. Today it was hip deep on me standin upright. People were sayin "oh won’t it be good if it floods, everythin will get clean." Bloody idiots. Most of em don't remember tha Toxic explosion out front of Haven, when dozens of buried barrels blew and dozens more got rolled inta tha bay. They forget all those tanks at tha factory, slowly leakin away. They forget where Tox-zilla, Boggy and Tha Kraw come from.
Not ta mention our kinda over stacked and under packed graveyard. Coffins float. Even from underground, if tha water gets bad enough. Put all that in tha mix and even tha NORMAL crap ya get in a flood just gets worse. I did a tour befer tha waters rose though. Coven had sandbagged tha Voodoo shop. Good move. The aught ta leave them up, better tactically. At tha Library we had moved all tha supplies, rare and valuables and most of tha books to tha upper floors. Those renovations got finished in good nick.
I did tours of tha Hospital and Shelter, they seemed ta be in good order. Tha Kits were gunna be in trouble though. Same with Haven. Tha Pit is a raised fortress. Tha Den and Continuum Factory are upstairs too. Same with tha K.A. Tha Blood Fountain ain't though. Those dumbasses didn't even put a tent over it. Who knows what fell in there even before it started rainin acid and toxins.
Then tha tide turned, and tha flood came. By tha end of tha first day it was hip-deep like I said. By that night, tha graveyard had puked up its bodies, tha Factors had shat out its toxins and tha waters had washed well over tha Blood Fountain. Folks had awready worked out that that getten dunked meant a fast trip to Hospital, or a float out ta sea. Two of my cousins were awready laid out. Takes a fair bit ta make a Shifter sick.
Hycan was there too. Seemed she had gotten herself Fanger bit, and was starten ta Turn. Eventually I managed ta stop it, and with Coyote's help (awright, alot) I un-Turned her. She was lucky, it was fresh, and a young breed Fanger too. Took ages though, and after, as I waded careful like through tha water back, LadyD and Vish paddled past in a row-boat. It was time ta break out tha runabouts!
We had a few of these made up after tha last floods. Before my time in tha Institute, but well, that’s what sets tha Institute apart from tha other Factions. Watch, Listen, Report, LEARN. How easy is that. Tha runabouts are pretty basic. Little outboard, aluminium seats, kevlar laced rubber body (wont stop a round, but it'll hold against runnin inta debris easy enough) and a plastic embedded waterproof canvas roof and plastic windshield, all stretched over more aluminium pipe. Whole thing, apart from tha outboard, folds inta a big duffle bag.

I call mine "Bruce" after tha shark in Jaws.
Tha OIB Bruce. She's a saucy little thing, drifts a little to tha left. I unpacked and inflated her and set off on a little toodle. As I was cruising at tha breakneck speed of an easy run (what can ya expect from an outboard only as big as my war-form head) i cam across Her Ladyship, standin on top of these long sticks, long, wooden legs! I've never seen that before! She had a pretty, frilly umbrella, and was just stridin over tha water and tha muck. Her Venetian feet, She said. Like it was tha most natural thing ever. I swear. Their ain't much She does that don't make me look about at all tha clods and wonder if everyone in tha past was bigger than life and better too.
Her Ladyship had ta move off, things ta do, mostly ta do with our neutrality agreements, i expect, and just ta survey tha damage. I parked by tha front stair of tha Library, and saw tha Maker there. I called in ta him, but he either didn't hear me, or didn't feel like answerin, hard ta tell with tha Maker. Spirit Gal came out though, and she's by far a nicer person ta share a board on a zodiac with, if ya ask me. I offered her a seat on Bruce, and told them both her name. They both thought it was funny. Spirit Gal, because bruce is a male name, (but boats are girls, im sure thats tha rule, stupid English, don't make no sense) and Her Ladyship thought it was funny that i give tha people i know tha strangest names, and call my boat somethin simple, like "Bruce".
Fleshies, i'll never understand them!
So, Spirit Gal came aboard, and we went fer a cruise. tha Beach, now gone, ta check on tha Sea Wall, which is holdin. We checked out tha Fish Factory, which is a ruin. Tha Pit, and KTOX, which seem ta be ok. Tha Shelter,m which was empty. That was scary, tha streets were so empty, a few folks here and there in boats, or inner-tubes.

We went ta tha Blood Bath. It was a meter under water, and there was a plume of blood washin out from it. Like someone had throated a whale. We went down to tha Church. There was a pile of bodies floatin about, we didn't stay long, Spirit Gal didn't need ta see that, and it brought back too many memories fer me.

Back to tha Library, back inside. Tha ground floor was still dry, but it wouldn't take much. Probably overnight. Don't know much water we're gunna get. Best sleep upstairs. Fire will go out, bit Library will be awright, She's made of sterner stuff. Ha!
Pencil entry on soggy paper, dated 13/10/08
Tha rain keeps comin, just like last year. Its spilled up tha streets and washed through tha city. Tha tides are up, and tha beach was lost days ago. Today it was hip deep on me standin upright. People were sayin "oh won’t it be good if it floods, everythin will get clean." Bloody idiots. Most of em don't remember tha Toxic explosion out front of Haven, when dozens of buried barrels blew and dozens more got rolled inta tha bay. They forget all those tanks at tha factory, slowly leakin away. They forget where Tox-zilla, Boggy and Tha Kraw come from.
Not ta mention our kinda over stacked and under packed graveyard. Coffins float. Even from underground, if tha water gets bad enough. Put all that in tha mix and even tha NORMAL crap ya get in a flood just gets worse. I did a tour befer tha waters rose though. Coven had sandbagged tha Voodoo shop. Good move. The aught ta leave them up, better tactically. At tha Library we had moved all tha supplies, rare and valuables and most of tha books to tha upper floors. Those renovations got finished in good nick.
I did tours of tha Hospital and Shelter, they seemed ta be in good order. Tha Kits were gunna be in trouble though. Same with Haven. Tha Pit is a raised fortress. Tha Den and Continuum Factory are upstairs too. Same with tha K.A. Tha Blood Fountain ain't though. Those dumbasses didn't even put a tent over it. Who knows what fell in there even before it started rainin acid and toxins.
Then tha tide turned, and tha flood came. By tha end of tha first day it was hip-deep like I said. By that night, tha graveyard had puked up its bodies, tha Factors had shat out its toxins and tha waters had washed well over tha Blood Fountain. Folks had awready worked out that that getten dunked meant a fast trip to Hospital, or a float out ta sea. Two of my cousins were awready laid out. Takes a fair bit ta make a Shifter sick.
Hycan was there too. Seemed she had gotten herself Fanger bit, and was starten ta Turn. Eventually I managed ta stop it, and with Coyote's help (awright, alot) I un-Turned her. She was lucky, it was fresh, and a young breed Fanger too. Took ages though, and after, as I waded careful like through tha water back, LadyD and Vish paddled past in a row-boat. It was time ta break out tha runabouts!
We had a few of these made up after tha last floods. Before my time in tha Institute, but well, that’s what sets tha Institute apart from tha other Factions. Watch, Listen, Report, LEARN. How easy is that. Tha runabouts are pretty basic. Little outboard, aluminium seats, kevlar laced rubber body (wont stop a round, but it'll hold against runnin inta debris easy enough) and a plastic embedded waterproof canvas roof and plastic windshield, all stretched over more aluminium pipe. Whole thing, apart from tha outboard, folds inta a big duffle bag.

I call mine "Bruce" after tha shark in Jaws.
Tha OIB Bruce. She's a saucy little thing, drifts a little to tha left. I unpacked and inflated her and set off on a little toodle. As I was cruising at tha breakneck speed of an easy run (what can ya expect from an outboard only as big as my war-form head) i cam across Her Ladyship, standin on top of these long sticks, long, wooden legs! I've never seen that before! She had a pretty, frilly umbrella, and was just stridin over tha water and tha muck. Her Venetian feet, She said. Like it was tha most natural thing ever. I swear. Their ain't much She does that don't make me look about at all tha clods and wonder if everyone in tha past was bigger than life and better too.
Her Ladyship had ta move off, things ta do, mostly ta do with our neutrality agreements, i expect, and just ta survey tha damage. I parked by tha front stair of tha Library, and saw tha Maker there. I called in ta him, but he either didn't hear me, or didn't feel like answerin, hard ta tell with tha Maker. Spirit Gal came out though, and she's by far a nicer person ta share a board on a zodiac with, if ya ask me. I offered her a seat on Bruce, and told them both her name. They both thought it was funny. Spirit Gal, because bruce is a male name, (but boats are girls, im sure thats tha rule, stupid English, don't make no sense) and Her Ladyship thought it was funny that i give tha people i know tha strangest names, and call my boat somethin simple, like "Bruce".
Fleshies, i'll never understand them!
So, Spirit Gal came aboard, and we went fer a cruise. tha Beach, now gone, ta check on tha Sea Wall, which is holdin. We checked out tha Fish Factory, which is a ruin. Tha Pit, and KTOX, which seem ta be ok. Tha Shelter,m which was empty. That was scary, tha streets were so empty, a few folks here and there in boats, or inner-tubes.

We went ta tha Blood Bath. It was a meter under water, and there was a plume of blood washin out from it. Like someone had throated a whale. We went down to tha Church. There was a pile of bodies floatin about, we didn't stay long, Spirit Gal didn't need ta see that, and it brought back too many memories fer me.

Back to tha Library, back inside. Tha ground floor was still dry, but it wouldn't take much. Probably overnight. Don't know much water we're gunna get. Best sleep upstairs. Fire will go out, bit Library will be awright, She's made of sterner stuff. Ha!
Spirit Gal,
The Lady,
Monday, October 6, 2008
Rescue Mission!
Reasonably neat pencil note, smeared with mango, dated 1/10/08
"She's gone" that’s how Blue greeted me out front of Haven. Bloody demons never talk proper. Who's gone I asked. "Joah, I’m going to miss her...she left with Emo-boy to find the Brat, shes been gone a long while" Translatin, Spirit Gal got escorted inta tha Dreamin by tha Maker ta snatch tha Little One outta her captivity. Things must notta gone smooth. All I could say was a hearty "fuck" and sit there considerin options.
Tha Dreamin aint a place ya should travel too on a whim, unless yer goin in tha usual way, in yer sleep. Tha rules are different fer dreamers and Realm-walkers. Fer one thing ya don’t wanna fall asleep there, or ya may never wake up. Other thing is that ya don't wanna go alone. Reality isn't fixed in tha Dreamin and havin a buddy about can make all tha difference between makin a quick trip and getting stuck like tha Little One did. Like I hoped Spirit Gal hadn't.
I needed a jaunt buddy. Someone that had tha grey matter and tha spiritual grunt ta take it serious. Normally I woulda asked tha Maker or tha Spirit Gal, but they were tha ones missin. Bright Gal woulda been good too, but I don’t have a hotline to tha heavens ta get in touch with her, even if it was fer her Little One. Captain Featherpants was on scheduled walkabout. Wasn't gunna make a bigger deal outta it than I needed to, without tha facts. A Reccy mission.
I collected tha Messenger, who came when I summoned a Messenger from Raven, filled with portents and visions. Who better ta take along with me inta tha Dreamin. I got a connection with Spirit Gal, a pretty strong one, I hope, and between that, and knowin where they launched off from, in this case, more eyewitness accounts, in front of tha Fireplace, I was pretty sure I could home in on tha Spirit Gal, at least, if they were still in there, or, wherever. I bundled up my kit, and fetched a smoke bundle.
Smoke is a good way ta break through to tha Realms, ta move inta tha Other. Helps even more, when ya have someone yer gunna pull through with ya. I went down to tha Fireplace, and took tha Messenger’s hand in paw, and asked her if she trusted me. “oui, you have never steered me badly so for” Close enough. I took a good grip, and tossed tha bundle inta tha fire. Tha dry leaves and resins caughts, and flared up in a plume of smoke, and with an act of will, we dragged our bodies inta tha Realm of tha Dreamin.
Funny thing about tha Dreamin. Ya often see yerself as ya dream ya were, or how ya dream yerself ta be, or, even yer past. It’s a crazy place. Tha Messenger, when she recovered, well, she had wings, nice frilly black wings. We were in a tall arched corridor, it was dim, cool and carved. Some kinda stone, I guess. It stretched away to tha left, but I heard water sounds to tha right. And turning my muzzle, I say that tha corridor ended and a swamp began. There were trees in tha water, like up North, where tha Croc’s live, but this didn’t look like mangroves. More like rainforest. It was dim, and there were figues in tha mist.
Most important, Spirit Gal was right there, at my paws. Oh, yeah, I was in my Native form, Four Legs, and I couldn’t talk. Win some, Lose some. In some dreams I can, in some I cant. She was asleep, and breathin slow. Tha Messenger tried talking to her, and I licked her ta wake her. She stirred but didn’t wake. I licked her some more, and pulled at her with my teeth. Still no good. Well, when a Packmate is down, and ya need ta wake them, there’s always pain. So I bit her.
On tha Shoulder, where I’ve bit her before. Just light ta start with, and gave her a bit of a shake, settlin my teeth in ta get a good grip, not hard enough to bite inta her flesh but. I shook her and managed ta get a noise outta her. Least that was a good sign. Tha Messenger spoke to her again, and she stared ta come around. When she did, and she saw who it was, we got a bit of tha story outta her as ta what had happened. Seems her and tha Maker had a difference of opinions and tha Dreamin drew it out of them and made it epic. That place does that too.
Short story, it got heated, too heated fer tha Maker, and he bailed, ditchin Spirit Gal in an exotic Realm she didn’t know how ta deal with. It did its thing, and sent her ta slepp. Problem is, if ya sleep in tha Dreamin, where do ya Dream into? And what is there ta wake ya? Nothin.
Getting back out, well, that’s not hard, if ya know how, neither, and can work it by will or skill. Some beins, like tha Fallen, or Feathers, can do it under their own steam easy. Magic. Some of us know how ta use tha Realm, and tha tagetherness of tha Other, ta skip from one to another. Tha Goddess is everywhere, and everywhere is of tha Goddess. Ya just have ta know how ta get her blessin. So we looked for a path. I lead, makin sure we passed tha other denizens at a distance, never good ta get mixed up in someone else’s dream if ya needn’t. We walked and waded through htha swamp, onta a beach, over hills and through lightning to a wall.
I saw tha sea on tha other side of tha wall up tha mountain, and it was just a matter of scalin it in order ta reach tha Sea. Tha Wide Water. I know it well. When we got to it, I had some trouble explainin tat ha Messenger and Spirit Gal they had ta look inta tha water, but not touch it. Ta see tha reflection of themselves at tha point and pass through. Times like that, talking is real bloody useful.
But we did it, Spirit Gal was afraid. Afraid of tha water. I wonder if she understood, that it bein tha Wide Water, it was connected to tha Wide River. Maybe she felt that. Not something I can recommend swimmin. That water is as cold as Death. Pardon tha pun. No death fer us on this trip though. I took them Home. To tha Island. We arrived on warm sand, under a gentle sunrise, and tha smell of seagrass and palm.
Her Ladyships island. Home. I took my Fleshie form for a bit, I like tha feel of sand between my toes and tha soft silks of tha couches on my skin, and made sure I could feed them both. THAT was hard work, but a tail fer another page.
Reasonably neat pencil note, smeared with mango, dated 1/10/08
"She's gone" that’s how Blue greeted me out front of Haven. Bloody demons never talk proper. Who's gone I asked. "Joah, I’m going to miss her...she left with Emo-boy to find the Brat, shes been gone a long while" Translatin, Spirit Gal got escorted inta tha Dreamin by tha Maker ta snatch tha Little One outta her captivity. Things must notta gone smooth. All I could say was a hearty "fuck" and sit there considerin options.
Tha Dreamin aint a place ya should travel too on a whim, unless yer goin in tha usual way, in yer sleep. Tha rules are different fer dreamers and Realm-walkers. Fer one thing ya don’t wanna fall asleep there, or ya may never wake up. Other thing is that ya don't wanna go alone. Reality isn't fixed in tha Dreamin and havin a buddy about can make all tha difference between makin a quick trip and getting stuck like tha Little One did. Like I hoped Spirit Gal hadn't.
I needed a jaunt buddy. Someone that had tha grey matter and tha spiritual grunt ta take it serious. Normally I woulda asked tha Maker or tha Spirit Gal, but they were tha ones missin. Bright Gal woulda been good too, but I don’t have a hotline to tha heavens ta get in touch with her, even if it was fer her Little One. Captain Featherpants was on scheduled walkabout. Wasn't gunna make a bigger deal outta it than I needed to, without tha facts. A Reccy mission.
I collected tha Messenger, who came when I summoned a Messenger from Raven, filled with portents and visions. Who better ta take along with me inta tha Dreamin. I got a connection with Spirit Gal, a pretty strong one, I hope, and between that, and knowin where they launched off from, in this case, more eyewitness accounts, in front of tha Fireplace, I was pretty sure I could home in on tha Spirit Gal, at least, if they were still in there, or, wherever. I bundled up my kit, and fetched a smoke bundle.
Smoke is a good way ta break through to tha Realms, ta move inta tha Other. Helps even more, when ya have someone yer gunna pull through with ya. I went down to tha Fireplace, and took tha Messenger’s hand in paw, and asked her if she trusted me. “oui, you have never steered me badly so for” Close enough. I took a good grip, and tossed tha bundle inta tha fire. Tha dry leaves and resins caughts, and flared up in a plume of smoke, and with an act of will, we dragged our bodies inta tha Realm of tha Dreamin.
Funny thing about tha Dreamin. Ya often see yerself as ya dream ya were, or how ya dream yerself ta be, or, even yer past. It’s a crazy place. Tha Messenger, when she recovered, well, she had wings, nice frilly black wings. We were in a tall arched corridor, it was dim, cool and carved. Some kinda stone, I guess. It stretched away to tha left, but I heard water sounds to tha right. And turning my muzzle, I say that tha corridor ended and a swamp began. There were trees in tha water, like up North, where tha Croc’s live, but this didn’t look like mangroves. More like rainforest. It was dim, and there were figues in tha mist.
Most important, Spirit Gal was right there, at my paws. Oh, yeah, I was in my Native form, Four Legs, and I couldn’t talk. Win some, Lose some. In some dreams I can, in some I cant. She was asleep, and breathin slow. Tha Messenger tried talking to her, and I licked her ta wake her. She stirred but didn’t wake. I licked her some more, and pulled at her with my teeth. Still no good. Well, when a Packmate is down, and ya need ta wake them, there’s always pain. So I bit her.
On tha Shoulder, where I’ve bit her before. Just light ta start with, and gave her a bit of a shake, settlin my teeth in ta get a good grip, not hard enough to bite inta her flesh but. I shook her and managed ta get a noise outta her. Least that was a good sign. Tha Messenger spoke to her again, and she stared ta come around. When she did, and she saw who it was, we got a bit of tha story outta her as ta what had happened. Seems her and tha Maker had a difference of opinions and tha Dreamin drew it out of them and made it epic. That place does that too.
Short story, it got heated, too heated fer tha Maker, and he bailed, ditchin Spirit Gal in an exotic Realm she didn’t know how ta deal with. It did its thing, and sent her ta slepp. Problem is, if ya sleep in tha Dreamin, where do ya Dream into? And what is there ta wake ya? Nothin.
Getting back out, well, that’s not hard, if ya know how, neither, and can work it by will or skill. Some beins, like tha Fallen, or Feathers, can do it under their own steam easy. Magic. Some of us know how ta use tha Realm, and tha tagetherness of tha Other, ta skip from one to another. Tha Goddess is everywhere, and everywhere is of tha Goddess. Ya just have ta know how ta get her blessin. So we looked for a path. I lead, makin sure we passed tha other denizens at a distance, never good ta get mixed up in someone else’s dream if ya needn’t. We walked and waded through htha swamp, onta a beach, over hills and through lightning to a wall.
I saw tha sea on tha other side of tha wall up tha mountain, and it was just a matter of scalin it in order ta reach tha Sea. Tha Wide Water. I know it well. When we got to it, I had some trouble explainin tat ha Messenger and Spirit Gal they had ta look inta tha water, but not touch it. Ta see tha reflection of themselves at tha point and pass through. Times like that, talking is real bloody useful.
But we did it, Spirit Gal was afraid. Afraid of tha water. I wonder if she understood, that it bein tha Wide Water, it was connected to tha Wide River. Maybe she felt that. Not something I can recommend swimmin. That water is as cold as Death. Pardon tha pun. No death fer us on this trip though. I took them Home. To tha Island. We arrived on warm sand, under a gentle sunrise, and tha smell of seagrass and palm.
Her Ladyships island. Home. I took my Fleshie form for a bit, I like tha feel of sand between my toes and tha soft silks of tha couches on my skin, and made sure I could feed them both. THAT was hard work, but a tail fer another page.
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